
Ace Capone And Tim Gotti

Posted By: FrankGaglianoJR

Ace Capone And Tim Gotti - 08/23/12 07:28 PM

I was reading a very insteresting article on Georgy Anastasia's website about 2 african american "drug kingpins" named Ace Capone and Tim Gotti obvisiouly this is not their real names. This may have been discussed before but I can't find it in the search, basically what i want to know and what i want people too explain to me is why do black gang members always take italian gangsters names when in turn people like Gotti and Capone ESPECIALLY GOTTI that i know of due to wiretaps with him saying, dont wanna offend anyone but "ni**er this, ni**er that, coon this, coon that" why would a black person immulate someone who is very much a racist? Its like me calling myself Nicholas " Little Al Sharpton" Leone its fuckin retarded and i would be a retard to call my self that..... Anyone care to explain?
Posted By: Lenin_and_McCarthy

Re: Ace Capone And Tim Gotti - 08/23/12 08:04 PM

Racism isn't really what the Mafia's famous for. That's the main reason.

On a side note, Bergreen's Capone book didn't make him sound that bad in that regard.
Posted By: FrankGaglianoJR

Re: Ace Capone And Tim Gotti - 08/23/12 08:15 PM

I understand that the mafia isnt famous for racism but lets face it 90% of the mafia are racist..Or atleast say the N word alot..... Why would a black person of ANY background wether it be thug or doctor want to be affilate with a group that doesnt nessicarrly care for blacks.... If they werent racist they would let african italians join he mob which from what i understand you hve to be white to join the mob.... And there are alot of black/italians with italian last name IE soccer player balotelli my grandfather told me there are alot of black guys with italian names in his home of castalmare del golfo sciliy...however this thread is not about black italians but about why black american gang members idolize someone who thinks of there race as being shit ESPECIALY John Gotti Senior just lisen to his wiretaps if you dont bleive me
Posted By: LCN1987

Re: Ace Capone And Tim Gotti - 08/23/12 09:43 PM

Yeah, the thought has crossed my mind too.

It's funny because white suburban kids do exactly the same thing: idolizing black rappers (most of them really hate the white man). Clowns like Young Jeezy etc,
Posted By: Ivan

Re: Ace Capone And Tim Gotti - 08/23/12 10:11 PM

Originally Posted By: FrankGaglianoJR
Ace Capone and Tim Gotti

Are these guys also rappers? lol
Posted By: 123JoeSchmo

Re: Ace Capone And Tim Gotti - 08/23/12 10:22 PM

Originally Posted By: LCN1987
Yeah, the thought has crossed my mind too.

It's funny because white suburban kids do exactly the same thing: idolizing black rappers (most of them really hate the white man). Clowns like Young Jeezy etc,

Dear God I hate that shit. I know what you mean
Posted By: Dwalin2011

Re: Ace Capone And Tim Gotti - 08/23/12 10:35 PM

Could anybody explain to me why do black gangsters interviewed on TV-shows such as "Gangland" use the "n" word themselves (only it seems to end with an "a" and not with "er"). Why would they be using a word used only by racists?
Posted By: 123JoeSchmo

Re: Ace Capone And Tim Gotti - 08/23/12 11:18 PM

Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
Could anybody explain to me why do black gangsters interviewed on TV-shows such as "Gangland" use the "n" word themselves (only it seems to end with an "a" and not with "er"). Why would they be using a word used only by racists?

Apparently it's different when it's the "a" and not the "er". "What's up my nigga?" is basically the same thing as saying "What's up dude?" or "How's it going?"
Don't ask me why, but that's basically what they're saying when they use it in that context
Posted By: Ivan

Re: Ace Capone And Tim Gotti - 08/24/12 01:52 AM

Originally Posted By: Lenin_and_McCarthy

On a side note, Bergreen's Capone book didn't make him sound that bad in that regard.

Well, Capone wasn't racist at all, but... Bergreen's book is pretty awful with all the bizarre speculation, psychobabble, and fluff therein.
Posted By: BarrettM

Re: Ace Capone And Tim Gotti - 08/24/12 02:15 AM

I can't take credit for these words, these were really brilliant and someone else on the board said it. Basically, the one thing every gangbanger respects is their OG's, original gangstas. So why not respect the original gangsters? The Italian Mafia.

Sidenote. I don't believe Al would have murdered Frankie Yale without the syphilis affecting his brain.
Posted By: Scorsese

Re: Ace Capone And Tim Gotti - 08/25/12 10:40 AM

i think that theres a certain respect for the more iconic gangsters that everyone knows because they were like the faces of gangsterism defiance of authority in their respective times and also because of the movies glorifying them. Also their names sound cool, I doubt any of these black gangsters are gonna start calling themselves obscure names like pitera, dellacrore or tramunti. Italians are the most well known gangsters so theres a natural respect for them.
Posted By: Toodoped

Re: Ace Capone And Tim Gotti - 08/25/12 10:50 AM

this is just one of the things that you need to blame for whats happening to the black(and white) teenage population from back in the days till now...fake picture...

Posted By: 123JoeSchmo

Re: Ace Capone And Tim Gotti - 08/26/12 12:21 AM

I once saw an episode of the Sopranos where Tony had woken up from his coma, and a rapper was coming into the hospital who had been shot a fair number of times but survived. As Tony walked down the hallway and came upon him the black rapper said "Tony Soprano. Orginal Gangsta, represent" as sign of respect to him. So I think street gangs and rappers especially have respect for the Italian mafia. Of course that was TV so it's not 100 percent indicative but you all get the picture.
Posted By: Toodoped

Re: Ace Capone And Tim Gotti - 08/26/12 10:25 AM

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