
New name, new life for EX-Hit Man

Posted By: EddieCoyle

New name, new life for EX-Hit Man - 07/26/12 12:53 AM

Adrian Humphreys, National Post ยท Jul. 25, 2012

A former Mafia hit man who gunned down three men, including a powerful mob boss, before turning on his underworld employers as a co-operating witness has legally changed his name as he struggles against his violent past.

The killer formerly known as Kenneth Murdock, 48, was sentenced to 13 years for three counts of second-degree murder and extortion after striking a shocking plea deal that saw him take the stand to testify in a heavily guarded Hamilton courtroom in 1999.

In court he said his bosses within the Musitano crime family ordered him to kill his victims, including the point-blank shooting of John "Johnny Pops" Papalia, a 73-year-old Mafia chieftain.

Before his life sentence, Murdock did time for shooting a man in the leg, among other indiscretions. While on parole for that, he robbed a jewelry store during which the jeweler was severely beaten.

"You had a fairly consistent pattern of violent behaviour throughout your criminal history, which also extended into the institution," the Parole Board of Canada says in its recent decision.

In 1987, Murdock committed his first mob murder - a machine gun attack on a man who could not pay gambling debts to the crime family, court heard. In 1997, he killed Papalia in a gangland power struggle and, two months later, Papalia's right-hand man, Carmen Barillaro.

But the board noted he seems to be finally turning his life around.

He has obtained all necessary personal documentation related to his legal name change, which may have helped him secure a full-time job as a truck driver in British Columbia.

Inmates are legally allowed to change their names but police, prison and parole records reflect the change and their victims are typically also notified, according to the Correctional Service of Canada.

His employer, however, is unaware of his criminal past.

Because he is a co-operating witness who testified against reputed Mafia bosses and is apparently progressing towards rehabilitation, the National Post is not publishing his new name.

"Thus far you have demonstrated commitment and motivation to abide by conditions of release and are committed to your correctional plan," said the parole board.

The board appreciated his candour and insight into the roots of his criminality, noting he marinated in underworld culture from a young age through a close family member. (Although not named by the board, it likely refers to "Big John" Akister, Murdock's roughneck stepfather.)

Murdock told the board he developed "a high tolerance for violence," and admitted he was a virtual puppet for his mob masters, doing what he was told "with few questions asked."

He said he regretted the violence and made a commitment not to create any more victims.

A previous day parole, in 2009, was revoked a year later for cocaine use. That slip was not the start of a serious relapse into crime, he said, but an attempt to return to prison because he was feeling overwhelmed in the community.

He has successfully been on day parole for the past six months and this week was granted another six months' freedom.

"Since your release, you have remained in a community residential facility with no reported areas of concern.

One of his victims, an Ontario man who was beaten but not killed during an extortion plot, said he did not object to Murdock's release provided he stay in British Columbia.

Murdock must abstain from nonprescription drugs, alcohol, and communicating with criminals or any of his victims or victims' families. The court imposed a lifetime firearms ban when he was sentenced.

Posted By: Scalish

Re: New name, new life for EX-Hit Man - 07/26/12 01:49 AM

Cool post Montague, R.I.P "Johnny Pops"
Posted By: jace

Re: New name, new life for EX-Hit Man - 07/26/12 07:35 AM

I hope they don't relocate him to my neighborhood.
Posted By: Scalish

Re: New name, new life for EX-Hit Man - 07/26/12 10:42 AM

Posted By: antimafia

Re: New name, new life for EX-Hit Man - 11/16/17 12:30 AM

'A pretty good lesson on political correctness': Mafia hitman's parole yanked over social media posts

Posted By: Scalish

Re: New name, new life for EX-Hit Man - 11/16/17 01:56 AM

Good post anti, this Murdock is a real bucky. I know people who knew him and said he was a fucking idiot and a crack head to boot.
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