
Tony Megale

Posted By: Jimmy_Two_Times

Tony Megale - 06/25/12 01:29 PM

Hey all... was wondering what the group's thoughts are on Tony. At one point he was a leader of the Gambinos and will be paroled in the near future. Will he obtain his former heights (especially being from Sicily and the boss being from Sicily)?
Posted By: NickyScarfo

Re: Tony Megale - 06/25/12 01:32 PM

Hey Jimmy I made a thread on this a few months ago wondering the same thing, think most of your questions were answered on it.
Posted By: Jimmy_Two_Times

Re: Tony Megale - 06/25/12 02:37 PM

Thanks Nicky! Sorry I was off the board for a stretch of time but am back. I'll search for it.
Posted By: NickyScarfo

Re: Tony Megale - 06/25/12 02:55 PM

No worries mate!
Posted By: pmac

Re: Tony Megale - 06/25/12 07:59 PM

between the gambino in ct and the genovese popping tires and throwing rocks i think it will be a big change in ct when tony gets and takes over, it just goes to show you how secretive the west side is after there springfield crew was destoyed by in fighting and rats, another crew just pops up in ct. all the ct guys reported to springfield, if the 2 turncoats didnt give any dirt they didnt know. i think the 20 guys busted for gambling came from felix trangese or the other rat.theres just too many rackets in ct for the families not to be fighting, and megale had his flag there awhile, but all familes should give up on shaking down stripclubs. i never heard of philly getting caught doing it. its rampit in new england.
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Tony Megale - 06/25/12 08:04 PM

^^^i think the gambino guys in ct who were busted are victims of nicky skins and his tape recordings, the guy was around the life for a very long time and according to these reports the feds have pics of the gambino leader of this crew meeting with a gambino soldier
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Tony Megale - 06/25/12 08:57 PM

Originally Posted By: pmac
between the gambino in ct and the genovese popping tires and throwing rocks i think it will be a big change in ct when tony gets and takes over, it just goes to show you how secretive the west side is after there springfield crew was destoyed by in fighting and rats, another crew just pops up in ct. all the ct guys reported to springfield, if the 2 turncoats didnt give any dirt they didnt know. i think the 20 guys busted for gambling came from felix trangese or the other rat.theres just too many rackets in ct for the families not to be fighting, and megale had his flag there awhile, but all familes should give up on shaking down stripclubs. i never heard of philly getting caught doing it. its rampit in new england.

The Gambinos had their flag in Connecticut long before Tony got his button. The thing is, they haven't made anyone up there since Tony got his button, and that was almost 25 years ago. The New York Gambinos have always been a little leery of that faction for some reason. I've posted this before, but it's one fuck-up after another in that area. But I agree that there's too much money to be made for the Genoveses not to want a piece, so we'll have to wait and see.

The truth is, I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop on this gambling case. DePreta being turned down on a $4.5 million dollar bail package tells me that there's more to this. I have to believe more charges are in the offing.

Tony is scheduled to come home in July of 2014, which is a little over two years from now. But don't be shocked if the feds come up with some bullshit to re-indict him. They'd absolutely love to tie him to these most recent charges. If they can prove that he profited, even while in jail, they can hit him with new charges. But they'd need an out-and-out rat to do that, and I don't think they have one (but I've learned not to be shocked by just about anyone flipping these days).
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Tony Megale - 06/26/12 01:14 AM

Yeah, the Gambinos have been up there forever. As have the Genovese. The dust up resulted in some overlap with their gambling territories. This recent Gambino bust likely has much more to do with Skins than with the Genovese guys who flipped up in Springfield.
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