
Made guys

Posted By: dacoO

Made guys - 05/29/12 07:04 PM

In mafia,do made members hide from each other potential scores?I mean not hide,but do they spread that news through the whole crew or just with captains?Can he call someone from crew,or does whole crew needs to go for the score?
Posted By: DeMeo

Re: Made guys - 05/29/12 07:17 PM

They would only spread the score if more then one guy is needed.

After Lufthansa, I bet more mobsters distrust each other.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Made guys - 05/29/12 10:13 PM

Technically, a made guy is supposed to report all scores to his captain, since he's under obligation to be kicking up from those scores. Of course, it's always said that the soldier is holding back from the captain, and the captain is holding back from the boss.

Personally, I think Michael Franzese had the right idea. He said he actually would kick up more than he should, because it would help his status in the family as an earner. But obviously that was easy for him to do when he was pulling in millions from the gas tax scam.
Posted By: Strax

Re: Made guys - 05/29/12 10:17 PM

They need to report everything,if he lies or something he should be killed.Not sure they still do it,last shooting that was about that things was back to 2007-2008 ?
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Made guys - 05/29/12 10:21 PM

Originally Posted By: Strax
They need to report everything,if he lies or something he should be killed.Not sure they still do it,last shooting that was about that things was back to 2007-2008 ?

Are you talking about the Rudy Izzi murder? There were rumors that's why he was killed; that he was holding back. Don't know if that was ultimately true or not.
Posted By: DeMeo

Re: Made guys - 05/29/12 10:47 PM

Do they still have to cough up from a failed score?
Posted By: Parisi

Re: Made guys - 05/29/12 10:49 PM

The mob is dependently gravitated solely on cold hard cash and inducted soldiers or 'made' members are often given a figure that is roughly expected of them to earn by their superiors (acting/official captain) each week/two weeks.

Once the 'made' men have been told what is expected of them they shouldn't ever have to be told again and should independantly go out and earn their weekly take.

The earning rate at what cut/percentage a captain can demand from his soldiers 'kick-up' is not set in stone, with personification being a factor of how much the captains pay their guys and how much the 'made' men hold back to have enough to eat for themselves, the statistics can differ.

For example, if a captain is running his crew and taking 50% of earnings from each guy involved with the crew. There would be an estimated figure expected from each soldier or 'made' member in order with which racket he/they ran. Usually the larger and more financially rewarding the racket is, the more the captain expects each kick-up. So a gax tax scheme would require a larger paycheck then your average street skim.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Made guys - 05/29/12 10:49 PM

Originally Posted By: DeMeo
Do they still have to cough up from a failed score?

I wouldn't think so. If there's no money earned, there's nothing to kick up the ladder. You're captain may be a little irritated though since he was expecting an envelope. whistle
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Made guys - 05/30/12 01:13 AM

Originally Posted By: Parisi
The mob is dependently gravitated solely on cold hard cash and inducted soldiers or 'made' members are often given a figure that is roughly expected of them to earn by their superiors (acting/official captain) each week/two weeks.

Once the 'made' men have been told what is expected of them they shouldn't ever have to be told again and should independantly go out in the game to earn their weekly take.

Yes. You saw an example of that in "Sopranos": Just after Chris was made, his boss, Paulie, assigned him a "nut" to come up with every week, and threatened to tack on standard vig if he didn't make it. Presumably, everything Chris or any other made guy earned over and above his nut was his. But if he had any sense, he'd kick some of the extra up to his boss to stay on his good side.
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