
Camorra boss Antonio Cardillo caught in own house

Posted By: Chopper2012

Camorra boss Antonio Cardillo caught in own house - 04/02/12 08:06 PM

Antonio Cardillo was caught last Saturday, while hiding behind a mirror in his family's villa.

Mafia fugitive caught behind 'magic mirror'

A Mafia fugitive has been caught in Naples after police found him hiding behind a 'magic mirror' in a wardrobe that led to a secret hiding place inside his luxury villa.

By Josephine McKenna in Rome 9:34PM BST 01 Apr 2012

Antonio Cardillo, a 34-year-old alleged crime boss affiliated with the Lo Russo clan of the Naples Camorra, was arrested by Carabinieri police in a raid early Saturday after they discovered a ruse reminiscent of a classic spy novel.

Cardillo had been at large for 18 months but had apparently been living at home with his family in Marano di Napoli on the outskirts of the city.

The rose pink home called Villa Excelsia was surrounded by a large veranda and lush garden and was protected by high walls and an elaborate security system.

Acting on warrants sought by anti-mafia prosecutors, police raided the house early Saturday and found Cardillo's wife and two children asleep.

When police searched the master bedroom, where Cardillo's wife has been sleeping, they saw signs that the matrimonial bed had been used on both sides.

As they continued their search of the house they found a tiny remote control device that did not appear to belong to a television, computer or any other appliance.

But when they entered the walk-in wardrobe beside the master bedroom and activated the remote control, a full-length mirror that seemed to be attached to the wall moved aside.
The mirror was operated by a series of large hydraulic pistons and tubes activated by the remote control device and Cardillo was found sitting on a small red chair in the small room behind it.

Cardillo is wanted for a number of Mafia related crimes and extortion and is considered a boss in a clan that operates across the northern suburbs of Naples including Miano and Marianella.
He managed to escape a police blitz in which 50 of his alleged accomplices were arrested in Naples in November 2010 and he has been on the run ever since.

Cardillo's bunker is the latest in a number of bizarre and often elaborate hideouts used by mafia bosses to evade police.
In Aug 2009 police arrested mafia boss Giuseppe Bastone who was found hiding in an underground bunker equipped with a skateboard he planned to use through a 200 yard secret tunnel to escape capture.

Bastone hid for a year in a 10ft by 10ft space beneath a house that was accessible through a hidden trapdoor.

Giuseppe Setola, a hit man for the Naples Camorra, evaded arrest during a police raid on his home north of Naples in January 2009 when he fled down a tunnel linked to sewers beneath his hideout.
He was captured two days later while seeking treatment for a wrist injury and is now serving a life sentence for ordering or carrying out up to 18 murders.

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