
Joe "the Animal" Barboza interviews from 1970

Posted By: Little_Frankie

Joe "the Animal" Barboza interviews from 1970 - 12/01/11 09:02 PM

I found this tape in a box in my attic. I converted it to digital and hosted it on youtube. It's not the best quality but the content is great. Enjoy!

BTW, I also have another one about the Patriarca family from the mid 80's that I'm uploading now.

Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica

Re: Joe "the Animal" Barboza interviews from 1970 - 12/01/11 09:25 PM

Great find Frankie. Is there a part two? Or a part one as it may be? The presenters say something about a two part series of interviews.
Posted By: Little_Frankie

Re: Joe "the Animal" Barboza interviews from 1970 - 12/01/11 09:29 PM

Originally Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica
Great find Frankie. Is there a part two? Or a part one as it may be? The presenters say something about a two part series of interviews.

When I originally recorded it back in the early 80's, I taped both back to back so both parts are in this one video. You can tell about halfway through he is wearing a different shirt.
Posted By: Mukremin

Re: Joe "the Animal" Barboza interviews from 1970 - 12/01/11 09:31 PM

This is a good piece indeed, keep these stuff coming smile
welcome to the family.
Posted By: Little_Frankie

Re: Joe "the Animal" Barboza interviews from 1970 - 12/01/11 09:34 PM

I found this one and the Patriarca family one in a separate box in my attic. I have about 5 or 6 tapes full (6 hours each) of old mafia documentaries from the 80's and 90's but at first glance I couldn't find them. They are mostly A&E stuff and local news. I know they are up there but I didn't have the time to crawl into the eves with a flashlight and start looking. One of these days I will though.
Posted By: Mukremin

Re: Joe "the Animal" Barboza interviews from 1970 - 12/01/11 09:37 PM

Who knows what the future will bring us grin
those A&E documentaries are cool.
Posted By: HairyKnuckles

Re: Joe "the Animal" Barboza interviews from 1970 - 12/01/11 10:04 PM

Nice work Little Frankie!

Barboza was a feared guy. He had been part of a crew that did hits for Raymond Patriarca Sr. I think 26 killings was attributed this crew.
Barboza´s downfall started when he was arresteted in 1966 for illegal gun possession. While detained in jail, Barboza expected Patriarca to bail him out. This never happened so Barboza`s crew started to threaten made Patriarca Family members and did some collecting on their own. Robbing them.
Tommy DePrisco and Arthur Bratsos, two of Barboza´s friends, were soon found shot to death in Bratsos car.
A third friend, Joe Amico was shot dead outside a social club in Boston.
Being a hothead, he openly called Patriarca a fag and swore to avenge his friends deaths. Coming to his senses, he realized he stood no chance against Patriarca and started to talk.
Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica

Re: Joe "the Animal" Barboza interviews from 1970 - 12/01/11 10:23 PM

Thom L. Jones is a great writer who keeps "Mob Corner" over on the RD. He's working on an article about Barboza that should be up soon. If it keeps with his other work (and it will) it'll be a great article.
Posted By: Frosty

Re: Joe "the Animal" Barboza interviews from 1970 - 12/03/11 05:39 AM

Thank You, good .
Posted By: phatmatress

Re: Joe "the Animal" Barboza interviews from 1970 - 12/03/11 06:19 PM

great find.
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