
the frankie flowers hit

Posted By: yigido

the frankie flowers hit - 09/12/11 08:27 PM

why did the men involved in the frankie flowers hit get acquitted. and how come ligambi was seen not guilty?
Posted By: Mussolini14

Re: the frankie flowers hit - 09/13/11 03:19 AM

Originally Posted By: yigido
why did the men involved in the frankie flowers hit get acquitted. and how come ligambi was seen not guilty?

IIRC they were originally convicted of the hit but it was overturned and Ligambi was released after serving many years already.
Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica

Re: the frankie flowers hit - 09/13/11 09:04 AM

Mussolini's right, the conviction was overturned on appeal, and after serving ten years, a new trial resulted in verdicts of not guilty for Ligambi (who was released in 97) and his codefendants (who included Faffy Iannarella, Yogi Merlino and the brothers Narducci) IIRC. But because all the other defendants were still serving lengthy terms on different charges, I think Ligambi was the only one released.
Posted By: 22

Re: the frankie flowers hit - 09/14/11 02:15 AM

To me the overturning of that original conviction was BS.Apparantley the presiding judge did not let the defense know in enough time that Gino Milano was going to flip,and also the lead prosecutor used the term ''pack of wolves''to describe the mob at the time.I mean I've heard way worse than that,I mean r they trying to say a statement like that is bias or something.I don't get it.But anyway back at the 1st trial Delgiorno had just started co-operatingi in 89.But at the re-trial in 97 they say the jury was sick and tired of guys like Delgiorno and Caramandi being paid a lot of money to put these people away when they were involved in the same thing.So they said the jury was fed-up and basically made a statement to the government with the not guilty verdicts.Everything including testamony was exactley the same at both trials.In the 1st one the jury reaches a guilty verdict in an hour,in the second one the jury aquits in an hour,what does that tell u ?
Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica

Re: the frankie flowers hit - 09/14/11 03:06 AM

I see what you're saying, 22. Interesting stuff.

In any case, it seems Joe Ligambi had the opportunity of a lifetime, and grabbed hold with both hands. He had a good run, all considered.
Posted By: 22

Re: the frankie flowers hit - 09/14/11 08:57 AM

Exactley Micket Meatballs,he's playing with house money,to go from doing life to becoming boss in a matter of a few years is unprecadented.He has had a great run
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