
Vernace or Corozzo?

Posted By: DeLoTheDon

Vernace or Corozzo? - 09/03/11 06:06 AM

I just read the article last month on how Cefalu is the new Gambino Boss. However, I find it interesting that the article also names Vernace the new Consigliere. Is this true? Or is this an acting position? I can't see Joseph Corozzo or Nick Corozzo too happy about this. Also, how do you see the coming releases of Jackie D'Amico and Arnold Squiteri playing into all of this? Didn't they both used to yield more power than Cefalu and Vernace? Interesting.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Vernace or Corozzo? - 09/03/11 07:03 AM

I was originally wondering if they meant acting consigliere too. If Vernace is the new consigliere, I assume it came about because Corozzo agreed. I would think he could have retained the position if he wanted to. Squitieri is still official underboss as far as we know. Techically speaking, once D'Amico went to jail, he ceased being acting boss and is probably now back to being captain.
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