
You guys ever heard of "in the hat"

Posted By: tiger84

You guys ever heard of "in the hat" - 06/13/11 06:50 AM

This website deals with LA mexican gangs and of course the Mexican mafia prison gang (All the street gangs answer to them )

Anyway the author writes a story and people comment.But 99% of people commenting are actual gang members and they start threatning each other.There was this 1 story were the mongol biker gang refused to pay taxes to the mexican mafia and mongol members would actually criticize their leader and say vulgar stuff about him and even put his adress on the site and their leader would actually read the blog and try to find out who the members are that are talking about them.

LOL wouldnt it be funny if say the gambinos stated coming on here and talk about their boss
Posted By: Sonny_Black

Re: You guys ever heard of "in the hat" - 06/13/11 02:14 PM

Originally Posted By: tiger84
LOL wouldnt it be funny if say the gambinos stated coming on here and talk about their boss

When that happens it will be the end of organized crime. lol
Posted By: GaryH

Re: You guys ever heard of "in the hat" - 06/14/11 07:33 PM

Angelo Ruggerio is lucky the internet wasnt around in the mid 80's when he bad mouthed Big Paul on tape.
Imagine if he had blogged about Paul!!!

Posted By: DeCoverley

Re: You guys ever heard of "in the hat" - 06/16/11 08:40 PM

It's a great site. He (Wally Fay, aka Tony Raphael, aka?) only post sporadically these days, unfortunately. His book on La Eme is worth a read.

I’m not sure that 99% of those commenting are gang members. There are a lot of comments that suggest they are law enforcement posing as gang members. The truth is probably somewhere in between. I’m sure it’s a mix of law enforcement, wannabees, internet gangsters, fans, etc.

A couple of the posters, PepsiMan for example, are obviously the real deal. Wally Fay has a lot of Eme contacts and would likely call out PepsiMan if he was posting BS, but instead he lifts them out of the comments and posts them on the front.

The other point is that not all gangs answer to them. All Sureno gangs are supposed to pay taxes to the M, but there have been notable gangs (Maravilla) that refused to pay. I don’t know if this still holds.
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