
Was Stanfa in on the Bruno hit?

Posted By: Mussolini14

Was Stanfa in on the Bruno hit? - 05/31/11 04:34 AM

What do you think? IMO he was in a very vulnerable position (in the line of fire) and I think if he was in on it he would have left the car.

thank you for your time.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Was Stanfa in on the Bruno hit? - 05/31/11 05:13 AM

I don't think he was. First, because of the reason you pointed out - he was in the line of fire. Who's going to pull up to a curb knowing a gun shot will be coming in their direction? Second, Stanfa - like Bruno - had close ties to the Gambinos. He had no reason to want Bruno killed. And third, it was pure happenstance that he even drove Bruno home that night.
Posted By: Mussolini14

Re: Was Stanfa in on the Bruno hit? - 05/31/11 05:21 AM

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
I don't think he was. First, because of the reason you pointed out - he was in the line of fire. Who's going to pull up to a curb knowing a gun shot will be coming in their direction? Second, Stanfa - like Bruno - had close ties to the Gambinos. He had no reason to want Bruno killed. And third, it was pure happenstance that he even drove Bruno home that night.

Can you please elaborate as to why Stanfa ended up driving Bruno home that night?
Posted By: Sonny_Black

Re: Was Stanfa in on the Bruno hit? - 05/31/11 09:41 AM

Originally Posted By: Mussolini14
Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
I don't think he was. First, because of the reason you pointed out - he was in the line of fire. Who's going to pull up to a curb knowing a gun shot will be coming in their direction? Second, Stanfa - like Bruno - had close ties to the Gambinos. He had no reason to want Bruno killed. And third, it was pure happenstance that he even drove Bruno home that night.

Can you please elaborate as to why Stanfa ended up driving Bruno home that night?

Because Paulie was sick.
Posted By: Mussolini14

Re: Was Stanfa in on the Bruno hit? - 05/31/11 01:59 PM

Really? Had this ever happened before? Perhaps Paulie was in on the hit? In GF Paulie Gatto conveniently called in sick the day Don Vito Corleone was shot, and was in turn whacked by Rocco and Peter Clemenza for his betrayal.
Posted By: PhillyKid

Re: Was Stanfa in on the Bruno hit? - 05/31/11 08:23 PM

Stanfa ended up driving because Bruno's usual driver, Raymond "Long John" Martorano, was sick.

I don't think Stanfa was in on it. Stanfa was a made guy, but had no real standing in the organization...he only became a made member as a favor to the Gambino family.
Posted By: BarrettM

Re: Was Stanfa in on the Bruno hit? - 05/31/11 08:29 PM

Originally Posted By: PhillyKid
Stanfa ended up driving because Bruno's usual driver, Raymond "Long John" Martorano, was sick.

I don't think Stanfa was in on it. Stanfa was a made guy, but had no real standing in the organization...he only became a made member as a favor to the Gambino family.

Really? Never knew that, what benefit did the Gambinos have in backing him for promotion?
Posted By: PhillyKid

Re: Was Stanfa in on the Bruno hit? - 05/31/11 09:45 PM

He was brought over from Sicily by the Gambinos but Bruno took him into the Philadelphia family as a favor to Carlo Gambino.He never made much money as a member and was imprisoned before Testa/Scarfo era.

Gotti backed him as the new boss in Philly after fall of Scarfo, who was a Genovese backed boss. This was during that cold war between Gigante and Gotti. There weren't many other candidates anyway. Anthony "Tony Buck" Piccolo didn't want the job and Pasquale "Patty Specs" Martirano, who was elevated to Underboss in 1989 after Leonetti flipped, died of cancer in 1990. Other remaining ranking players like Felix Bocchino (who was killed by the Merlino faction in '92) or Salvatore "Shotsie" Sparacio weren't "boss material"...not that Stanfa was anyway.

I'm not really sure what Gotti or the Gambinos gained by backing Stanfa as boss to be honest. The Gambinos didn't exactly rush to Stanfa's side after the Merlino/Ciancaglini faction started shooting.
Posted By: BarrettM

Re: Was Stanfa in on the Bruno hit? - 06/01/11 12:34 AM

Just a wild guess, it could have been due to personal relationships. If Don Carlo brings Stanfa over from Sicily and gives the guy a new home, Carlo is seriously vouching for him. Maybe Gotti made note of that, figured if guys from the Dellacroce era had something to do with him, he would do alright.

Speaking of all this, how did the Commission even track down the conspirators in the Bruno hit? Seemed awful fast and effective.
Posted By: flamingokid123

Re: Was Stanfa in on the Bruno hit? - 06/01/11 03:01 AM

Long John was not sick the night Bruno was killed. They were all out to dinner that night. Long John drove someone else home that night, and Stanfa showed up in that restaurant and gave Bruno a ride home. I read this in Caramandi's book.
Posted By: PhillyKid

Re: Was Stanfa in on the Bruno hit? - 06/01/11 03:13 AM

I always heard he was sick...I wouldn't be so sure that Martorano wasn't in on it. I know it's a reach, but that guy was as a big a snake as they get. Not surprised Ligambi got rid of him.

Barrett, the Commission knew who was involved in the Bruno hit. Caponigro went to Funzi Tieri before the hit and Tieri had given him the okay to kill Bruno. Thing is, Tieri always hated Caponigro, and Tieri used this as way to get rid of both Bruno and Caponigro. Tieri and the Genovese were able to replace the Gambino backed Bruno with their own guys, Testa & Scarfo, as well as kill Caponigro and put a halt to the growing power of Philadelphia's North Jersey faction.

I'd also have to assume that Caponigro informed Tieri that Frank Sindone and John Simone were backing him in Philly.
Posted By: flamingokid123

Re: Was Stanfa in on the Bruno hit? - 06/01/11 03:50 AM

Long John used to visit Capronigro alot in Newark. I think Long John was in on it and that scumbag Stanfa also.
Posted By: PhillyKid

Re: Was Stanfa in on the Bruno hit? - 06/01/11 04:33 AM

Yeah I can see Martorano pulling a fast one like that, he was such a piece of shit. Stanfa was so far down the totem poll then I doubt Caponigro or Sindown approached him.
Posted By: Mussolini14

Re: Was Stanfa in on the Bruno hit? - 06/01/11 05:35 AM

Originally Posted By: flamingokid123
Long John used to visit Capronigro alot in Newark. I think Long John was in on it and that scumbag Stanfa also.

Do you have any evidence to support your belief about Stanfa? Why would he place himself in the line of fire?
Posted By: BarrettM

Re: Was Stanfa in on the Bruno hit? - 06/01/11 06:01 AM

Oh of course, I'm aware of the whole conspiracy. It's just, there seems to be some sort of concrete dialogue where Caponigro desperately points a finger at Tieri. I just never considered him going that deep in to detail about his partners. In my head I was imaging commission-dispatched soldiers going bar to bar looking for guys who know about the conspirators and are willing to sell their locations for $20. Too much Sopranos I think lol On the other hand, your answer makes sense. A high ranking Genovese extracting info from a man blinded by greed is an everyday thing over there.

What was the make of the shotgun used on Bruno? Could be a clue.
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