
Picture of Casso's old house in Brooklyn

Posted By: GerryLang

Picture of Casso's old house in Brooklyn - 03/16/11 12:43 PM

He poured a ton of money into this house, the front door alone reportedly cost 20K, and that was in late 80's- early 90's money. The architect of the house Anthony Fava was tortured killed while or shortly after the building of the house on Casso's orders. Casso claimed the killing was over a money dispute, but others think Fava might have had an affair with Casso's wife, hence he was tortured. The house was in Burt Kaplan's name, and when he flipped he tried to get Casso's son kicked out of the house, but I think a court determined the house was really Casso's, because Kaplan wasn't paying for it or nothing. The guy living in the house now is a New York State Senator involved in a big bribery investigation.

Posted By: VinnyGorgeous

Re: Picture of Casso's old house in Brooklyn - 03/16/11 04:50 PM

It's always good to ask about the history of a house before you buy it. I mean honestly, would you really want to live in Roy DeMeo's house or Tommy Karate's basement.
Posted By: GaryH

Re: Picture of Casso's old house in Brooklyn - 03/16/11 06:50 PM

Full disclosure - its the law!

Posted By: Beanshooter

Re: Picture of Casso's old house in Brooklyn - 03/16/11 07:09 PM

For the right price, why not. The house it's really cool looking!
Posted By: GaryH

Re: Picture of Casso's old house in Brooklyn - 03/16/11 08:54 PM

Type "WhiteWood Drive Massapequa park" (thats where DeMeo used to live) into google maps.
Looks a nice neighbourhood
Posted By: Tyler_Durden

Re: Picture of Casso's old house in Brooklyn - 03/16/11 11:52 PM

I wonder where he hid the machinegun ports whistle
Posted By: Mooney

Re: Picture of Casso's old house in Brooklyn - 03/17/11 12:43 AM

Originally Posted By: GaryH
Type "WhiteWood Drive Massapequa park" (thats where DeMeo used to live) into google maps.
Looks a nice neighbourhood

Yeah its a very nice neighborhood, Carlo Gambino lived a few blocks away in the same neighborhood.
Posted By: GerryLang

Re: Picture of Casso's old house in Brooklyn - 03/17/11 12:54 AM

I recently came across an old interview of Albert DeMeo when he released his book, at that a stock broker had bought and was living in the house he grew up in. In the interview he said one of his sisters became a lawyer, and the other had a high paying white collar job, so it seems Roy was really the black sheep of the DeMeo clan, many of his relatives were doctors and lawyers, some high profile.

I don't think Casso spent much time at all in his big house, he went on the lam shortly after he moved in. Casso's daughter is married to a Genovese member, I don't what happened to his son, he might have changed his name?
Posted By: GaryH

Re: Picture of Casso's old house in Brooklyn - 03/17/11 06:31 PM

Roy was really the black sheep of the DeMeo clan

Yes, Roy's elder brother was a war hero who was killed in Korea.
Roy seems to have been the bad apple although according to Albert DeMeo (and I see no reason to disbelieve him) the extended members of Roys family mainly his mother and other brother didnt mind sponging off him!

I wonder where he hid the machinegun ports

Albert said his Dad had a mini-shooting range in the basement
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