
Who is behind the Rizzuto Family Murders & Hits in

Posted By: TonyG

Who is behind the Rizzuto Family Murders & Hits in - 02/19/11 09:04 PM

I am new to the Board but longtime fan of LCN & OC.

I am curious about who is behind the murders and hits on the Rizzuto family in Montreal. The press has speculated on a number of possible sources for the murders: the Toronto / Hamilton family is behind it, members of the Cotroni's seeking revenge, realignment of leadership by the Bonanno's (specifically by Sal "the Ironworker" Montagna) and the 'Ndrangheta moving in.

Does anyone have information beyond what has been reported? Even more surprising, why no response from the Rizzuto's?
Posted By: Sonny_Black

Re: Who is behind the Rizzuto Family Murders & Hits in - 02/19/11 10:19 PM

So far it's a "take-over" and not a "war", explaining why the Rizzutos don't retaliate, so it seems though.

And it's most likely a combination of the first two theories you've mentioned.
Posted By: Mooney

Re: Who is behind the Rizzuto Family Murders & Hits in - 02/19/11 11:22 PM

It's all speculation at this point but if i had to guess i would say it's Powers from toronto/Hamilton by way of a group within the rizzuto family. I think there is definitely a faction within the rizzuto family that has split off and is now kicking up to toronto.

They are simply picking off the iconic heads and the big earners that aren't falling in line...This recent hit on magi's wife is simply a warning, if he doesnt either fall in line or back out i think we will see a significant attempt on his life soon.
Posted By: TonyG

Re: Who is behind the Rizzuto Family Murders & Hits in - 02/19/11 11:44 PM

You would think the Rizzuto's know who is taking over. I also think it is about drug money more so than gambling, extortion or shylocking. I think the heroin, cocaine and others still flow through Montreal.

I am also betting on the Cotroni's exacting revenge as well. I also think they have some backing / help, just not sure who. I understand there are 6 different Calabrian groups in Ontario - Coluccio, Commisso, Figliomeni, DeMaria, Ruso and Tavernese.

If it is the Cotroni's, I am just stunned that the Rizzuto's have not retaliated.

My other theory is that it is an internecine war - Rizzuto family members versus Rizzuto's. Despite the age of the Rizzuto leadership, they had some muscle and some shooters when this all started. I don't believe the papers or news have advanced this theory, but many other families have had significant internal wars (the Columbo's, Cleveland, St. Louis, Philly).

I have heard the 'Ndranghetta has close ties to the Ontario Calabrian groups through drug trafficking. I just think it is is crazy to think they would get involved, other than supporting removal of the Montreal middle men.
Posted By: ONTARIO613

Re: Who is behind the Rizzuto Family Murders & Hits in - 06/18/11 09:09 AM

it`s about the drugs and the construction thats why u see the mock execution of tony magi`s wife( not to mention the attempted hit on him) magi family is big in construction. I am not sure which side the magi`s are on.
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