
George Anastasia videos

Posted By: Mooney

George Anastasia videos - 02/06/11 10:08 PM

Some video's about the philly mob and george anastasia's take on the recent five families take down..I always enjoy hearing george's take on things...

They bring up a good point in the second video, Ligambi hasn't been taken down yet. 10 years is a pretty good stretch, especially these days in philly.


Posted By: phatmatress

Re: George Anastasia videos - 02/06/11 10:27 PM

thanks mooney. noticed that you speak a lot about the philly mob in ur posts. are you from pennsylvania?
Posted By: Mooney

Re: George Anastasia videos - 02/07/11 02:51 AM

Originally Posted By: phatmatress
thanks mooney. noticed that you speak a lot about the philly mob in ur posts. are you from pennsylvania?

nope, i am from vermont. Always enjoyed the philly scene though, one of my favorite cities.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: George Anastasia videos - 02/07/11 06:50 AM

You have to feel sorry for George. He's been waiting for years for these next indictments to come down in Philly. Meanwhile, every other family still left in the northeast is involved in this massive bust the other week. And he's left with only Marty Angelina's domestic problems to report on.
Posted By: spmob

Re: George Anastasia videos - 02/07/11 04:56 PM

I am from Philly and I go on Philly.com a lot. If you go to the video section and then Mob Talk...you can see all of George's videos. There are a lot of old ones on there still. He also does a Mob Talk on Fox 29 news with Dave Stratweiser sometimes who also covers local crime in the area. George still covers the mob in philly and elsewhere but he now reports on differt organzied crime or crime in the philly area. Like in some of his videos, they are about drug kingpins and stuff like that. I always liked George. The best story that Fox Dave STratweiser did recently was a 3 part story on John Veasey. Joeys old crew is still scared of him. Supposedly after the interview was done a couple of mob wives called the FBI asking about him and if they could be protected lol. Hey Mooney...I went to school freshman year in college, 1998, to University of Vermont. I transferred...a philly boy didn't fit in up there that well...except for the good bud. : )
Posted By: VinnyGorgeous

Re: George Anastasia videos - 02/08/11 01:15 PM

I really doubt they're afraid of John Veasey. The guy was tough, but he's just one guy now. Who does he have? Joey Merlino has a gang of guys around him. If anyone should be afraid, it's John Veasey, but I have a feeling he's too stupid too realize it. You can't underestimate these guys, no matter how dysfunctional they seem to be, it doesn't take much to track someone down and shoot them in the back of the head. Any moron can do that.
Posted By: spmob

Re: George Anastasia videos - 02/08/11 02:42 PM

Actually George is the one that reported that. Go to the John Veasey video. The wives got scared. John Veasey has a repuation in philly no matter what and Joey Merlino ruined a lot of families and isn't as well liked as you may think. But John is selling cars now and he won't come back to philly to avenge his brothers death. Thats what they are worried about. Him and Billy were close and billy was killed by is supposed friends...Joey and them to make is look like stanfa did it so that John would testify against stanfa and joey could take the top spot. But listen I dont think it will happen I am just reporting what george said in one of his videos. Like you said tho...john was a crazy nut and it doesn't take much to track someone down in south philly.
Posted By: VinnyGorgeous

Re: George Anastasia videos - 02/08/11 03:47 PM

The mob wives lol. I bet Anastasia chuckles over that one. I will bet you a million dollars that there's not one guy in that family who is afraid of this guy. He's a rat and he'll never be able to show his face in South Philly again. That's one guy in South Philly. Yeah I saw the videos and he didn't impress me. To me, he sounded bitter and insecure. Anastasia is a brilliant reporter and if you remember, Anastasia reminded viewers that Veasey likes to spice up his stories. Again, I think that goes to show you how bitter Veasey really is. One of the things he said is the Philly mob is like a street gang these days, that it's done, when in fact almost all of the key players are on the street. To quote George Anastasia "the organization is almost full body again".
Posted By: spmob

Re: George Anastasia videos - 02/08/11 08:08 PM

The philly mob will never be at full strenght again no matter who gets out of jail. They are the mid level players amoung mob families and with time they will be a small family like other families accross the country have gotten to be. I actually would like to see them grow with Uncle Joe but it just cant get back to what it was. And lets agree on one thing, John VEasey was a tough dude. He survived a bothced hit and after he was shot he fought off 3 guys, survived and still testified. Anyway, I came on here to tell you about George new mob talk video. Its about the topic on this forum already...gotti and travolta.

Mob Scene: The Teflon Don's family wants John Travolta to play John Gotti in a possible movie and George picks his dream cast for a hypothetical Philly mob movie.
Posted By: phatmatress

Re: George Anastasia videos - 02/08/11 10:48 PM

Originally Posted By: VinnyGorgeous
The mob wives lol. I bet Anastasia chuckles over that one. I will bet you a million dollars that there's not one guy in that family who is afraid of this guy. He's a rat and he'll never be able to show his face in South Philly again. That's one guy in South Philly. Yeah I saw the videos and he didn't impress me. To me, he sounded bitter and insecure. Anastasia is a brilliant reporter and if you remember, Anastasia reminded viewers that Veasey likes to spice up his stories. Again, I think that goes to show you how bitter Veasey really is. One of the things he said is the Philly mob is like a street gang these days, that it's done, when in fact almost all of the key players are on the street. To quote George Anastasia "the organization is almost full body again".
seeing how the top philly guys are on the street and (correct me if im wrong) had no indictments come down against them in "the biggest mafia bust" how would u compare them within the 7 other major families? vinny?
Posted By: VinnyGorgeous

Re: George Anastasia videos - 02/09/11 12:13 AM

You really can't compare them to the other families, especially the five families of New York. Philly probably couldn't even compete with the DeCavalcantes. That's how small they are, but even with that being said, they have actually gotten stronger in the last ten years. At least, that's how it appears to me and I believe that's largely due to the size of that family. I'm not taking credit away from Ligambi. There are two key ingredients here. A good leader and a small family. It's much easier to manage a small family.
Posted By: Sonny_Black

Re: George Anastasia videos - 02/09/11 01:02 PM

That they hadn't any indicments in the lattest bust can only be because of two simple reasons. One, they are extremely secretive, or two, they are reduced to a street gang level and are on the break of dissolving. I strongly think it's the second reason.
Posted By: VinnyGorgeous

Re: George Anastasia videos - 02/09/11 02:35 PM

Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black
That they hadn't any indicments in the lattest bust can only be because of two simple reasons. One, they are extremely secretive, or two, they are reduced to a street gang level and are on the break of dissolving. I strongly think it's the second reason.

There is no question the Philly mob is a joke in many ways, but sources from within strongly point to a resurgence of some sort. The guy who knows everything about this is George Anastasia and if he says they're looking better than they did ten years ago, then chances are it's true. I am curious though, why do you believe that?
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: George Anastasia videos - 02/09/11 06:27 PM

The four smaller families today - New England, New Jersey, Philadelphia, and Chicago - are relatively comparable to each other. Each with about 50 total members, depending mainly on the standard mob rackets. In the long term, they'll become extinct before the New York families but that won't be for some time yet.
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