
Tommaso Buscetta

Posted By: veneratio

Tommaso Buscetta - 06/06/10 11:32 PM

Tommaso Buscetta, the 'Boss of Two Worlds'.
Tommaso when he decided to flip, delivered what was at the time and possibly of all time, the most important and instrumental blow to La Cosa Nostra, not just in Sicily or main-land Italy but also in America and various other countries. He was the the time supposedly the highest ranked member of La Cosa Nostra to have ever flipped and his testimony was incredibly damaging, his knowledge non-surpassed by other supergrass or members who followed Omerta but my questions are these:
Tommaso was made young but was later exiled from the life due to his womansing (On paper but because of his earning prowess nothing was ever enforced and he was allowed to continue making money for/with La Cosa Nostra). But it appears he was never promoted past being a soldier, has wasn't made a captain nor a boss of a family so why was he considered so important?
Was it because of his drug connections in Brazil, Colombia and New York? He seems to have spent the vast majority of his criminal life away from Sicily yet during the Corleonesi uprising/take over in Sicily, the bosses who were left opposing Toto Riina considered Buscetta such a powerful ally and wanted him desperately to lead them against Riina and Provenzano, but he refused.
After Riina has killed his enemies he still desperately wanted to kill Buscetta and killed so many of his family and friends to get to him but what I don't understand is why?
Was it because of the power Buscettas testimony would have should he co-operate with Falcone or was it for other reasons?
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