
30's Bank Robbers

Posted By: JerseyGuy

30's Bank Robbers - 08/28/09 11:40 PM

I have yet to see a topic on this forum regarding the famed bank robbers and outlaws of 1930's America. I've always been fascinated by these guys and to be honest I somewhat idolize John Dillinger. I think he's the one crook you could classify as a modern-day robin hood. From what I've read/seen he only killed one man and it was by accident and his gang would destroy the mortgage records of property that was forclosed on. I hope this topic can generate some discussion on the public enemies of our history.
Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica

Re: 30's Bank Robbers - 08/29/09 01:01 PM

The Dillinger saga is a cool one, you should catch PUBLIC ENEMIES if your into that (incidentally, Australian actor Jason Clarke has a supporting role in it, he also plays the politician brother in Irish mob epic "Brotherhood". I love that shit)

Pretty Boy Floyd, Jesse James, Billy the Kid: i understand the glamour and nostalgia for things past, but ive always wondered too how such mytholigising (spl?) arises through in some cases such desperate acts

Although in Australia we have Ned Kelly, the dude who robbed banks with his crew in home-made armor. This guy killed a few coppers and robbed a few banks but is now seen as an Australian hero, a working class man who stood up to corrupt authorities for the abuse of his family and others. Apparantly forced into his life of crime, he's like our own Robin Hood. Funny thing is, he was Irish, and didnt exactly give money away.

My favourite has always been Bonnie and Clyde. I think Bonnie is a hottie, and i dig her so often derided poetry. Sure, its not great, but its Bonnie! Ive read some articles that try to paint Clyde as a homosexual in a union of pure crime with his partner, who would help lure guys (i guess) clyde thought were hot into kidnapping and forced abuse situations. Alternatively, some say they fucked like rabbits 24/7 and did the crimes to help them get off. Part of fore-play, like.

How's that?
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: 30's Bank Robbers - 08/29/09 04:30 PM

The newest Dillinger movie, Public Enemies, was ok. Depp does a great job in the acting department. But I felt that the writers / producers of the movie dropped the ball in that all they did was create just another shoot - em - up Dillinger movie instead of giving us a more detailed back ground and insight into the Dillinger character, his life before crime, and how he turned to a life of crime.

With that said I wouldn't go as far as saying that I "admire" Dillinger, but instead say that he was a very interesting character. To say that he wasn't "really" a murder is, in my opinion, a bit on the denial side... boarderline nieve.

Although he may have not been convicted of actually killing anyone himself, he sure was responsible for those murdered as a result of his crimes and / or his being persued by law enforcement.

The man was a criminal and a thief who took what he wanted from society which in my eyes equates to stealing from the average working man, woman, and family.

Let's not make this guy out to be some kind of a hero.

We may have an interest in the mafia, the mob and even public enemies, but I think, or at least I hope, that while we do have that interest in these kinds of people most of us are able to discern the difference between interest and admiration.

John Dillinger and these criminals deserve what many of them get in the end.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: 30's Bank Robbers - 08/29/09 05:22 PM

Welcome, MMD! Hope to see many more thoughtful posts from you. smile
Originally Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica
Pretty Boy Floyd, Jesse James, Billy the Kid: i understand the glamour and nostalgia for things past, but ive always wondered too how such mytholigising (spl?) arises through in some cases such desperate acts

American gangsters and desperados are always mythologized as "Robin Hoods," "friends of the poor," etc. As Don Cardi said, the truth is otherwise. Billy the Kid (William Bonney) was a pathological killer. Pretty Boy Floyd was a psychopath who enjoyed hurting people. Jesse James was a terrorist and torturer. But, their stories are interesting, make for good movies that people enjoy watching. So, the studios can get more people into a theater by portraying them as Robin Hoods than as psychopaths.
Dillinger caught a very bad break when he was young--he committed a petty crime, was advised to plead guilty in return for a short sentence, and ended up spending years in prison. He had real balls, breaking himself out of jail with a "gun" fashioned out of wood, and springing members of his own gang from jail in a daring raid. But he and his gang were thieves, plain and simple. And plenty of people who were in their way got killed.

My favourite has always been Bonnie and Clyde. I think Bonnie is a hottie, and i dig her so often derided poetry. Sure, its not great, but its Bonnie! Ive read some articles that try to paint Clyde as a homosexual in a union of pure crime with his partner, who would help lure guys (i guess) clyde thought were hot into kidnapping and forced abuse situations. Alternatively, some say they fucked like rabbits 24/7 and did the crimes to help them get off. Part of fore-play, like.

They were another pair who were mythologized. The rap on Clyde being gay stems from the fact that he was imprisoned at a young age, and was repeatedly raped by an older prisoner, whom he later killed in revenge. Did you ever see the US film "Bonny and Clyde," starring Warren Beatty, Gene Hackman and Fay Dunaway? A real classic.
Posted By: JerseyGuy

Re: 30's Bank Robbers - 08/29/09 05:46 PM

Well sure, his gang was responsible for several murders but the only one he ever commited was when he shot at the legs of an East-Chicago cop and the officer tripped or something like that and was struck in the heart. He very well could have just tried to kill him outright and he was quite mad when his gang killed Jesse Sarber in a jailbreak. His hostages said he was a nice guy and they would only steal from the banks from what I know. The one outlaw I have to defend is Dillinger, he's the one crook who never struck me as a villain. Sorry if you see differently
Posted By: Mark

Re: 30's Bank Robbers - 08/29/09 05:52 PM

Don Cardi, you make an excellent point about the differences between "interest" and "admiration". It appears that some of the BB's recent new blood have a preconceived notion that everybody on the BB is a bunch of mafiosi wannabes, thug worshipers and pasta swilling slobs. I consider myself a relatively new member as well and must confess that I, too, had a slightly similar thought process. Nothing personal, I assure all veteran BB'ers! I must say this with all sincerity to anyone that is a newbie to the board - I couldn't have been more wrong. This Bulletin Board is a fantastic place to be involved with and its because of the people and personalities within. If you have a genuine interest in respectively sharing ideas and learning about organized crime's history, influence and movies-then this is the place for you. If you have a healthy sense of humor, are semi-mature and good natured-then this is the place for you. There are great people here with tons of knowledge and personality who are kind enough and more than willing to share their information and life experiences with all of us. This BB is a super resource for fun, information and recreation. If you are angry, immature and ilmannered-then this is NOT the place for you.
Posted By: JerseyGuy

Re: 30's Bank Robbers - 08/29/09 06:25 PM

Was that directed at me?
Posted By: Mark

Re: 30's Bank Robbers - 08/29/09 06:48 PM

Absolutely not, JerseyGuy. Apologies if you thought it was. It was a general observation that I have seen in my short time on this board. It is not directed at anyone in particular and I didn't mean to come accross as "harsh" as it may have sounded. Your start of this thread is unique and will inspire some great discussion.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: 30's Bank Robbers - 08/29/09 08:57 PM

Originally Posted By: Mark

This Bulletin Board is a fantastic place to be involved with and its because of the people and personalities within. If you have a genuine interest in respectively sharing ideas and learning about organized crime's history, influence and movies-then this is the place for you. If you have a healthy sense of humor, are semi-mature and good natured-then this is the place for you. There are great people here with tons of knowledge and personality who are kind enough and more than willing to share their information and life experiences with all of us. This BB is a super resource for fun, information and recreation. If you are angry, immature and ilmannered-then this is NOT the place for you.

Well said Mark! clap
Posted By: JerseyGuy

Re: 30's Bank Robbers - 08/29/09 11:03 PM

Yeah I gotta say. When I 1st came here I had the romantic and simplified views on what life in the mafia was like. When I first read the myths thread I was thinking that you people were morons and full of crap but the things that you guys have said here have really changed me around. Sure, I still think that not all gangsters are lowlifes but I'm really realizing that maybe I just watched Goodfellas a few too many times
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