
Longy Zwillman's "suicide"

Posted By: RTintera

Longy Zwillman's "suicide" - 12/24/08 04:47 PM

Almost every mention of Longy's death concludes that it was a suspicious looking suicide, what with markings on his wrists that appear to have been bindings, later removed. However, one story I read mentioned 2 guys coming to him with the news that he must die or harm would befall his family. In this story the hitmen brought with them a bottle of wine, as a token of their respect. Anybody else read that, or hear any other details of Longy's death? I can't help but think the "respectful hitmen with the wine" would make a great scene in a movie.
I wish I could remember where I read that account...
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Longy Zwillman's "suicide" - 12/24/08 05:39 PM

Zwillman's death definitely was suspicious. He was found hanging from a joist in the basement of his home, with his feet barely off the floor; and yes, there were markings on his wrists. He had been drinking heavily. He was in serious trouble with the law (jury tampering, among other things) and his mob rivals were pressing him.

But the Essex County investigator who probed the death, Brendan Byrne (later NJ Governor), ruled it a suicide. Longy's biographer, Mark Stuart, in his book, "Gangster #2," takes Byrne's word that it was a suicide. He says Byrne had an unimpeachable reputation for integrity--"a real Boy Scout," in Stuart's words.

Stuart's book is the only bio of Zwillman that I know of. You won't find it in bookstores, but you can probably get a used copy for a reasonable price at www.abebooks.com. I've used them extensively, and they're reliable.
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Longy Zwillman's "suicide" - 12/24/08 08:08 PM

The "patient hitmen with a bottle of brandy" story is found in the Carl Sifakis book, The Mafia Encyclopedia. That book also claims that Zwillman had earned Genovese's ire by backing Anastasia and Costello against Vito.

In the Luciano book, he claims that the Brooklyn guys (Gambino's people) did in Longy because he "put the arm on Carlo" for money to help with his IRS problems. Luciano was critical of Lanksy for not interceding.

Zwillman had recently been subpoenaed by the McClellan Committee and was found dead just before he was due to appear.
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