
Essex Underworld.

Posted By: MiniMafiaBoss

Essex Underworld. - 06/08/08 01:20 AM

The movie Essex Boys and Rise of the Footsoldier are nearly complete with fiction. Below is what happened.

Anthony Tucker, Pat Tate and Craig Rolfe were shotgunned and blasted to hell as they sat in a range rover down a lonely farm track just off Workhouse Lane on the road to Basildon. They were there to rip off a massive drugs consignment, but were set up. The two men jailed for the triple murders were Michael Steele and Jack Whormes, they protest their innocence to this day. The triple murders were labelled: The Rettendon Range Rover Murders.

Before their murders, Tucker was making £4000 - £6000 a week selling ectasy to club goers up and down Essex, and especially in one called Raquels. One day though a bad pill was sold and a young girl died, she was Leah Betts. Leah's father went on national television and appealed for information and called Tuckers friend, Bernard O'Mahoney, a b*****d. O'Mahoney wasn't involved in any of dealings with the "Essex Firm", but did go mental when he found out that the three bodies in the range rover were people he knew. He had been monitoring his friends behaviour towards the end and told Tucker to lay off the drugs - "Special K" - coke, ketamine, steriods, etc. In fact all three murder victims were always out of their heads, and extremely violent.
A victim of the "Essex Firm" was a man called Darren Whitaker. He was a test subject for the purity of drugs. He was overloaded with drugs and then dumped in a ditch, he died.

Pat Tate was known to be very violent, and in two incidents he perputrated it shows:

1. His wife rang for a pizza, but couldn't get the one they wanted, so Tate said to the pizza guy, "Do it or I will come down there and cut you up". Tate then got more mouthy so he was hung up on. Furious, Tate went down there and grbbed the pizza man onto the counter and cut him up.

2. At a diner with his wife, Tate didn't like the price he had to pay on a recipt, so he smashed the guy around. He was arrested soon after.

Craig Rolfe was a driver for Tucker and Tate, and was known to be a loudmouth. He had a chip on his shoulder due to being born in prison to a prostitute mother.

Tucker and Tate were known to have p****d off the Inner City Firm in London. This and the fact they were dangerous psychos were their downfall.

Bernard O'Mahoney still lives in Essex and is paranoid nowadays, hiding weapons round his house. On the fringe, he says that it was all such a waste, and that most of his friends were in the graveyard.
The "Essex Firm" continues to this day, but is mostly wannabes and hangers on - kinda like the modern day Kray "Firm", which is possibly led by Anthony Lambrianou, but definately by Freddie Foreman, a stand up soldier from the 60's.
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