
Documentery Reiews

Posted By: ledblimp

Documentery Reiews - 05/29/08 05:27 PM

Howdy all,

Have'nt come across any threads discussing documentery films on the mafia.

If I missed the thread please excuse.

If not would there be any interest in this type of thread? Something similar to the book thread?

Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Documentery Reiews - 05/30/08 05:42 PM

Ron, though we haven't had a separate thread on Mob documentaries, we have had quite a few discussions of documentaries as they appeared on the History Channel, the Biography Channel, PBS, etc. If you drill down in the "Search" function, you'll probably find them.

IMO, most of them are pretty meager. It's very difficult for serious writer to do scholarship on guys who've taken a vow of silence and aren't the types to leave their collected letters and papers to a university library for scholars to peruse (assuming they could write at all.) The TV bios engage in the usual secondhand info, interspersed with the same old film clips of tommyguns barking, bombs thrown through store windows, etc.
Posted By: ledblimp

Re: Documentery Reviews - 05/31/08 09:37 PM

First, I apologize for the crappy spelling. Usually try to watch that but after a few beers I'm not quite as diligent in that area.

Second, thanks for the input Turnbull!

My thought was for a quick reference type thread for more of a consumer type view. Quality, price, running time,info content, is it the same as another doc out there etc. Myself, I get limited time in front of the tube and that never jives up with programs so I prefer to buy the docs and watch 'em on my time table.

I do agree about the docs. Alot of 'em do rehash the same ol info but there are some good ones out there. Even some of the lower budget productions have their little nuggets of info and personally I like seeing news clips/ interview clips etc. I lived in Las Vegas for a few years and got a kick outta seeing our mayor walkin/ talkin with Spilotro.

I do have'ta say tho, going by what you posted, then why bother with the books? Pretty much the same applies.

You ever notice this: If it's written by/ with a made guy or his ( blood )family members it's usually how the guy was misunderstood, really was kind hearted, all those victims made themselves get whacked etc etc. The book Roy DeMeo's son wrote comes to mind. Even Giancana's daughter made him out that way in between saying what a bastard he was.
If it's written by a law enforcement type then it's how hard working, by the book, tireless/ fearless they are. The Bulger/ Connolly story shows that to not always be the case.
While I'm sure there's some truth in both of those areas I think it's definatly biased.
Then if it's written by an author not associated with either side you're pretty much stuck with what you said. No gangster memoirs to transcribe, interviewing the same (or at least in the same circles ) people, telling the same info etc etc....

Don't get me wrong, read everything I can get my hands on about the subject. Just think the docs make a good companion to the reading.

So anyways... if there's no interest that's cool. Just thought I'd see if there were any like minded people here.

Sorry for the long post, usually tend to ramble also after a few beers. smile

Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Documentery Reviews - 06/01/08 01:29 AM

Originally Posted By: ledblimp
My thought was for a quick reference type thread for more of a consumer type view. Quality, price, running time,info content, is it the same as another doc out there etc. Myself, I get limited time in front of the tube and that never jives up with programs so I prefer to buy the docs and watch 'em on my time table.

Why not start a thread per above, on this board? Post your own reviews and see if you get responses.
I do agree about the docs. Alot of 'em do rehash the same ol info but there are some good ones out there. Even some of the lower budget productions have their little nuggets of info and personally I like seeing news clips/ interview clips etc. I lived in Las Vegas for a few years and got a kick outta seeing our mayor walkin/ talkin with Spilotro.

I agree. I always give 'em at least one viewing. As for Oscar Goodman: He played himself in "Casino." The chief of police in my town used to be a captain on the Vegas force. He told me he didn't vote for Goodman for mayor because of "the ocmpany he kept." lol

I do have'ta say tho, going by what you posted, then why bother with the books? Pretty much the same applies.

For the same reason that applies to watching documentaries--once a mob fan, always a mob fan.

You ever notice this: If it's written by/ with a made guy or his ( blood )family members it's usually how the guy was misunderstood, really was kind hearted, all those victims made themselves get whacked etc etc. The book Roy DeMeo's son wrote comes to mind. Even Giancana's daughter made him out that way in between saying what a bastard he was.
If it's written by a law enforcement type then it's how hard working, by the book, tireless/ fearless they are. The Bulger/ Connolly story shows that to not always be the case.
While I'm sure there's some truth in both of those areas I think it's definatly biased.
Then if it's written by an author not associated with either side you're pretty much stuck with what you said. No gangster memoirs to transcribe, interviewing the same (or at least in the same circles ) people, telling the same info etc etc....

Don't get me wrong, read everything I can get my hands on about the subject. Just think the docs make a good companion to the reading.

All autobiographies or bios written by family members are self-serving in the extreme. But sometimes you get those nuggets that you didn't have before. Case in point: Joe Bonanno, in his autobio, "A Man of Honor" [sic], claims he was never guilty of anything worse than jaywalking after Prohibition. But he offers fascinating accounts of the Castellemmarese War and some of the workings of the Commission. One of those who were fascinated by the Commission stuff was Rudy Giuliani. As US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, he used the Bonanno book to build a RICO case that sent away four members of the Commission for life terms.

Posted By: ledblimp

Re: Documentery Reviews - 06/01/08 01:52 PM

Why not start a thread per above, on this board? Post your own reviews and see if you get responses.

That was my thought. Just wanted to see if it had been done before. Didn't want ta rehash the same info. smile

Always thought it was stupid of Bonanno to spill that info. He got what he deserved.

Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Documentery Reviews - 06/01/08 05:03 PM

Originally Posted By: ledblimp
Always thought it was stupid of Bonanno to spill that info. He got what he deserved.


Actually, he had the last laugh on the Commission, which had stripped him of his Donship in '63. The book, and its consequences to the Commission, could be considered his last laugh. He didn't get nailed in the Commission case. And he lived well into his 90's.
Posted By: ledblimp

Re: Documentery Reviews - 06/02/08 01:55 PM

Actually, he had the last laugh on the Commission, which had stripped him of his Donship in '63. The book, and its consequences to the Commission, could be considered his last laugh. He didn't get nailed in the Commission case. And he lived well into his 90's. [/quote]

Yeah, was thinking that's what brought on the raiding of his house and indictments but that was before the book was published.

I do seem to remember reading somwhere that he spent a few months in jail when he refused to answer government questions regarding things from the book.

One of the few guys that made it to an old age and outta prison.

Posted By: MiniMafiaBoss

Re: Documentery Reviews - 06/08/08 02:45 PM

You seen the Real Godfather progs, now on DVD.
They have ones with Capone, Bugsy and Lepke. Their good.

Also on cable, Underworld USA: Colombians in Miami, Las Vegas and Philadelphia - from Bruno to Merlino. But all docs mentioned on this post not updated.
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