
Jimmy McBratney / Manny Gambino Kidnapping

Posted By: Don Cardi

Jimmy McBratney / Manny Gambino Kidnapping - 01/12/08 05:22 PM

There's been some discussion over in the MOB MOVIES thread about tje movie Gotti and it's portrayal of the McBratney / Gotti / Galione connection. For those interested, here's the supposed real story of how Jimmy McBratney was implicated in the kidnapping of Don Carlo Gambino's nephew Manny Gambino.

According to William Hoffman & Eddie Maloney, co-authors of a book titled Tough Guy: The True Story of "Crazy" Eddie Maloney, Maloney met McBratney while both were incarcerated at Greenhaven State Prison in New York.

According to Maloney, he and McBratney became part of a kidnapping ring that was the brainchild of two other wiseguys from ......ironically ....... the Gambino Crime Family!

Now in this book, Eddie Maloney admits that in an effort to get a "pass" from the underworld for his kidnapping schemes, he decided to lay it all on McBratney. So in all likelyhood that is probably why the Gambino family sought revenge against McBratney for the kidnapping and murder of Manny Gambino.

According to the FBI, an agent by the name of Anthony Villano was heavily involved in the kidnapping / murder case of Manny Gambino. They claim that Agent Villano was tipped off that Manny Gambino, the son of Carlo’s brother Joseph, had been kidnapped. And McBratney is never mentioned in the FBI reports, never mentioned as being involved in the Manny Gambino kidnapping/murder. As a matter of fact, according to the FBI, Jimmy McBratney did not kidnap and murder the nephew of Carlo Gambino!

Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Jimmy McBratney / Manny Gambino Kidnapping - 01/13/08 03:06 AM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi

According to Maloney, he and McBratney became part of a kidnapping ring that was the brainchild of two other wiseguys from ......ironically ....... the Gambino Crime Family!

Whoever said "There is honor among thieves"?
Posted By: chopper

Re: Jimmy McBratney / Manny Gambino Kidnapping - 01/13/08 10:05 AM

Why am i not suprised
Posted By: Quiet_Doms

Re: Jimmy McBratney / Manny Gambino Kidnapping - 01/22/18 04:54 AM

McBratney and Robert Senter (who was related to Anthony Senter) held Manny Gambino for ransom. They were involved in a stick up crew. His father was only able to come up with $40,000 while they were expecting $350,000. So they killed him.
Posted By: mbo

Re: Jimmy McBratney / Manny Gambino Kidnapping - 01/22/18 06:52 PM

what i don't understand is this: how was Maloney given a pass for kidnapping Carlo Gambinos nephew?

I mean this was back when the the mafia had the muzzle to take on most other criminals and guys were getting killed for a lot less than that, so why was he spared?
Posted By: Tonytough

Re: Jimmy McBratney / Manny Gambino Kidnapping - 01/23/18 12:27 AM

Crazy Eddie was not spared. Far from it. Rather, when he was in the can. One day Carmine Gribbs Tramunti cam in, e Eddie bought him loads of prison luxuries and Mr Gribbs asked what he wanted in return

Eddie mentioned there was a contract on his life and whether or not he can get a passribbs suckered him & said he can try but on one condition, he disclose all those that were involved

Eddie fell for the bait and named names. One of those was Richie who later on got whacked

Another was Chief who Eddie asked to be spared too

Later when Eddie got out he was shot in Gotti’s bar the Cozy corner several times but survived

He was there because he was friendly with a loan shark called Junior who he later on tried to kidnap and asked IF Gotti was the one who tried to kill him

In the book I recall he mentioned a few encounters he had with Gotti whereby Gotti was sitting alone outside the Cozy Corner one day

He also spoke about Vic Amuso whom he describes as a handsome guy/ think they knew each other from “inside”. And Vic gives him a grin and says I heard you been a naughty boy

Posted By: mbo

Re: Jimmy McBratney / Manny Gambino Kidnapping - 01/23/18 09:38 PM

thanks for clearing that up for me. what amazes my is that people in the 70/80 thought they could kidnap carlo gambinos nephew and get away with it...
Posted By: MightyDR

Re: Jimmy McBratney / Manny Gambino Kidnapping - 01/23/18 11:09 PM

Originally Posted by Tonytough
Crazy Eddie was not spared. Far from it. Rather, when he was in the can. One day Carmine Gribbs Tramunti cam in, e Eddie bought him loads of prison luxuries and Mr Gribbs asked what he wanted in return

Eddie mentioned there was a contract on his life and whether or not he can get a passribbs suckered him & said he can try but on one condition, he disclose all those that were involved

Eddie fell for the bait and named names. One of those was Richie who later on got whacked

Another was Chief who Eddie asked to be spared too

Later when Eddie got out he was shot in Gotti’s bar the Cozy corner several times but survived

He was there because he was friendly with a loan shark called Junior who he later on tried to kidnap and asked IF Gotti was the one who tried to kill him

In the book I recall he mentioned a few encounters he had with Gotti whereby Gotti was sitting alone outside the Cozy Corner one day

He also spoke about Vic Amuso whom he describes as a handsome guy/ think they knew each other from “inside”. And Vic gives him a grin and says I heard you been a naughty boy

Never knew he had a book. Thanks Tonytough.
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