

Posted By: chopper

Westies - 10/31/07 03:55 PM

I know its some ago since the westies trials but i was wondering what the feeling was like at the time in New York about the murders were they greatly exagerated in the daily papers?Were the westies known to many people before the trials? I bet for you New Yorkers who were around at the time it must have been really interesting to read about this old gang or crew.Were the trials covered as much as Mafia trials? id really like to hear what it was like at the time

Thanks Chopper
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Westies - 10/31/07 05:31 PM

Fair question, Chopper. \:\)
The city's two tabloids, Daily News and Post, were all over the Westies. The "Newspaper of Record," the Times, almost ignored them. We have a saying re. journalism in the US: "If it bleeds, it leads." The tabs covered the murders and testimonies in sensational detail. But, if memory serves, none of the papers at the time caught the real story: The alliance that Paul Castellano, then Don of the Gambinos, made with the Westies. The Westies had killed one of the Gambino's top loansharks over a $50k debt. Instead of whacking them, Castellano had a sit-down with them and franchised out some Mob-type business in their Hell's Kitchen turf. This story wasn't really fleshed out until the Castellano bio, "Boss of Bosses" was published. But a good movie was made that broadly covered this alliance: "State of Grace," with a superb cast: Sean Penn, Ed Harris, Jon Turturro and Gary (over the top) Oldman.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Westies - 10/31/07 06:36 PM

I loved STATE OF GRACE, TB. It's only problem was that it was released the same week as GOODFELLAS, so it was completely overshadowed.

BTW-- TJ English's THE WESTIES is finally being adapted to the big screen under the working title EMERALD CITY.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Westies - 11/01/07 07:27 PM

Can't wait to see Emerald City when/if it gets made.

TB, I'm reading Boss of Bosses but the Westies haven't been mentioned yet, is it at the very end of the book maybe?
Posted By: chopper

Re: Westies - 11/01/07 09:11 PM

TB i take it the top loan shark you was taliking aboutwas ruby stein?
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Westies - 11/02/07 01:31 AM

 Originally Posted By: Longneck
Can't wait to see Emerald City when/if it gets made.

TB, I'm reading Boss of Bosses but the Westies haven't been mentioned yet, is it at the very end of the book maybe?

Longneck, you're right: the reference wasn't in "Boss of Bosses." Now I don't remember exactly where I read it. But it was one of the things that made Gambino members resentful of Big Paul: selling out an associate of theirs (the bookie) to a gang of drug-crazed Irish loonies. It was one of the things that helped Gotti to get the rest of the Gambino capos and crew chiefs to go along with Castellano's assassination.

 Originally Posted By: chopper
TB i take it the top loan shark you was taliking aboutwas ruby stein?

Yes, it was Ruby Stein.
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Westies - 11/02/07 09:37 AM

State of Grace is a tremendous movie and the Westies is a great read so obviously i will be looking forward to "Emerald City" coming out
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Westies - 11/05/07 06:49 PM

I still haven't gotten the book The Westies by TK English but I have read what he wrote in Paddy Whacked about them. Crazy gang, English almost made me feel sorry for Featherstone getting screwed by Coonan.
Posted By: chopper

Re: Westies - 11/05/07 07:00 PM

Mickey wasnt no angel
Posted By: Toni_corleone

Re: Westies - 11/05/07 10:38 PM

I've read Paddy Whacked but not The Westies. Which one is the better read because I found certain parts of Paddy Whacked a bit boring tho I did love the parts about The Westies and about the Winter Hill gang in Boston oh and the parts about the chicago mob and their fight with Al Capone lol.
Posted By: chopper

Re: Westies - 11/05/07 10:41 PM

Personally id go for Westies because as you say paddy whacked can be a bit boring although it was worth a read
Posted By: Toni_corleone

Re: Westies - 11/05/07 10:48 PM

Yeah it took me a whole summer to read that book well I guess I'll have to order me a copy of The Westies lol tho I have a bunch of other mob books I need to read that I haven't yet (kinda got wrapped up in Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicles lol)
Posted By: chopper

Re: Westies - 11/05/07 10:49 PM

Its an excellent book im sure you will enjoy it
Posted By: DonMega

Re: Westies - 02/09/13 01:06 AM

jim sheridan isnt the right person to direct EMERALD CITY remember get rich or die tryin hahaha

rather just see HBO with a team of people make the WESTIES into a tv show,and remake donnie brasco with all the new facts
Posted By: 22

Re: Westies - 02/09/13 04:16 AM

Hey guys that movie Westies are those characters Ed Harris,Gary Oldham, based on a true story.I know its real what they did but did they really portray 2 brothers.I love that movie.
Posted By: southend

Re: Westies - 02/09/13 06:51 AM

State of Grace was just as good as the Westies book if not better.
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