
The Corleonesi

Posted By: Enzo Scifo

The Corleonesi - 04/14/06 10:37 PM

Why did Provenzano went hiding in '63 already, and Riina only later on, in '70?

They call Provenzano "Zu Binnu". What does that mean?

After the first Mafia war in the second half of the '60's, were the Corleonesi then already the most powerful faction in Sicily? I know Leggio, Riina, and Zu Binnu went after all the Navarra people after they killed Navarra in at the end of the '50's, but did they also went after the Palermitani (sp?) in the first Mafia War, or was that only in the Second?

Does the Cupola still exist today? If no, when was it done away? If yes, was Provenzano the head of it?
Posted By: anthony lee

Re: The Corleonesi - 04/14/06 10:56 PM

provenzano was nicknamed benny the tractor becoz he mowed down his enemies n it sounds similar to wa enzo scifo sed in italian i cnt remember wat it is in italian tho soz
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: The Corleonesi - 04/14/06 11:37 PM

Uhm, what? I didn't really understand what you said.
Posted By: anthony lee

Re: The Corleonesi - 04/14/06 11:45 PM

sorry his nickname was "benny the tractor" (in italian) n i fink it was tu benni ... sumthin soz i cnt remember jus thought i mite of helped lol
Posted By: Franklin

Re: The Corleonesi - 04/15/06 12:08 PM

Binnu is sicilian for benny, as Lee already said it.
Zu means Uncle.
Why binnu hid before u curtu? i don´t know i think they were searched for diffrent crimes.
In the sixties the Corleonesi were already mighty, but not the most powerful. for a long time Leggio reigned in a triumvirat with bontate and don tano badalamenti. But they were already gaining power: most important were 3 things: get there ally Santapaola in power in Cantania by killing old boss Calderone. and the same for the Madonias in provinicia di Caltanisetta by killing the Tiger Di Chritina. And they were able to exclude Don Tano from the CN, for some wrongdoing. Of cours this was all very secret, the Palermo bosses around Bontate and Inzerillo had no proof for it. And they also cared to less, they were to busy making big money from drugs and construction (2. sacco di Palermo).
Posted By: Franklin

Re: The Corleonesi - 04/15/06 12:18 PM

the cupola is the comissione regionale.
It still exists, provenzano was the head the probably(english?) other members are currently (this is not confirmed): Sandro and Salvatore Lo Piccolo (San Lorenzo/Palermo),Matteo Messina Denaro (Castelvetrano, pr. Trapani), Maurizio Di Gati (Racalmuto, pr. Agrigento), Giuseppe Falsone (Campobello di Licata, pr. Agrigento), Sebastiano Rampulla (Mistretta, pr. Messina).
Maybe some of them are not in the regione except lo piccolo, messina, falsone), maybe some are missing (i´m not shure.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: The Corleonesi - 04/15/06 12:46 PM

Originally posted by anthony lee:
provenzano was nicknamed benny the tractor becoz he mowed down his enemies n it sounds similar to wa enzo scifo sed in italian i cnt remember wat it is in italian tho soz
Ant, Enzo is Belgian so for him and other non English speaking members (as their first language) will find your abbreviated text language a little difficult.
Posted By: GangstersInc

Re: The Corleonesi - 05/28/20 03:53 PM

The Two Doctors of Corleone
By Thom L. Jones
Posted By: Hollander

Re: The Corleonesi - 05/30/20 12:59 AM

Originally Posted by GangstersInc

Good one !
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: The Corleonesi - 05/30/20 09:54 AM

Originally Posted by Enzo Scifo
Why did Provenzano went hiding in '63 already, and Riina only later on, in '70?

They call Provenzano "Zu Binnu". What does that mean?

After the first Mafia war in the second half of the '60's, were the Corleonesi then already the most powerful faction in Sicily? I know Leggio, Riina, and Zu Binnu went after all the Navarra people after they killed Navarra in at the end of the '50's, but did they also went after the Palermitani (sp?) in the first Mafia War, or was that only in the Second?

Does the Cupola still exist today? If no, when was it done away? If yes, was Provenzano the head of it?

1)On September 10, 1963 the Carabinieri of Corleone denounced him Provenzano for the murder of the mobster Francesco Paolo Streva but also for an mafia association and illegal port of weapon.

2) Riina and was arrested and tried in 1969 for murders carried out earlier that decade.He were acquitted because of intimidation of the jurors and witnesses. Riina went into hiding later that year after he was indicted on a further murder charge and was to remain a fugitive for the next 23 years.

3) "Zu Binnu" mean "Uncle Benny".

4) When was killed Navarra,the Corleonesi was a small family that grown in the 1960s-1970s weakening the Cupola leaders like Badalamenti that was expelled by the Commission in 1978 or Bontade by kidnapping and killing more of the Bontade friends or supportes and with the election of Vito Ciancimino a Palermo in 1971.So in the early 1980s they was strong enought to invade Palermo and kill all the Bontade allies and the same Bontade.

5)After the arrest of Provenzano, an attempt was made to recreate the Cupola but after the Operation Perseus in 2008 it will be necessary to wait for 2018 for the election of a leader in the person of Settimo Mineo, the head of the mandate of Pagliarelli, elected boss during a meeting, on May 29, 2018, in a still unknown location.Mineo was in the list of the 376 criminals freed due the coronavirus but was re-arrested shortly after.
Posted By: GangstersInc

Re: The Corleonesi - 05/06/23 10:00 AM

Corleone. Murders in a Small Town.

By Thom L. Jones

This is a story about a crime that never exists which triggered another beyond belief in a place saturated with a history of death and betrayal. About a man who organized his own funeral without knowing it and the youth who helped to kill him so he could become a different man. Three innocent people dead because of a mistaken belief. Another, not so innocent, becomes simply a figure of chance. Like thieves in the night, killers will steal their lives.

Locked away in a cell in a prison, forever isolated and controlled by the government through its iron laws, including the infamous Article 41-bis,* Salvatore Riina, the Mafia super boss, is still killing people.

Read the entire story on Gangsters Inc. https://gangstersinc.org/blog/corleone-murders-in-a-small-town
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