
Capo di capos

Posted By: Vito The Godfather

Capo di capos - 01/07/06 12:57 PM

Bernardo Provenzano

A while back ago, I met this delivery Pizza guy who also owns an Italian delivery Restaurant right here in Bangkok. So one day I just decided to order pizza, and called Luiggi I have already bought Pizza from his restaurant before, but never got to talk to him because previously someone else would deliver the pizza. Trust me, the stuff is really good, which that’s why I always bought from him. So one day he delivered the pizza himself and, as he was giving me the Oreganos in a little transparent bag, he said joking around: 'This is not weed my friend… it’s just oregano ok?..', then I didn't know what to say for a minute so I just smiled and replied saying, 'oh .. dont worry about it.. I do enjoy it sometimes too...' then soon he told me that he doesn’t mind it at all so I just invited him to come in for a talk. Very soon after a lil chat, he takes out a pack of Marlboro reds, and as he opens it, I can see quite a few joints inside. They were small ones mixed with some Tobacco, I smoked one as well after he offered me because I didn’t want to refuse it. Please don't think that Luiggi is just another stoner, He actually is quite smart and a great person. He has worked at several Hotels in Phuket, a beach island on the South of Thailand, used to work at a Chemical factory in Dubai for about 10 years, speaks fluently Arab, Spanish, English, and Italian. But now owner of this restaurant, thou I’m not quite sure if he has other businesses. So as we were having some great conversations and he was pretty open-minded to anything, I asked him about the Italian Mafia. The first thing that came to my mind was the Sicilian Mafia. I asked him what he thinks about it, if he ever met a Mafioso in Italy and all that curious stuff. I can not remember every thing that he told me, but he really spoke spoke and spoke. He said that he did have some friends back in Italy that were on the mafia and he kept telling me how much the Mafiosos actually go for money, they wake up thinking another way to make money, all the expensive labeled clothes and Brioni suits they wear, driving around on Maseratis. I remember that he said there are basically 4 positions on the mafia; with the boss being first, family members next, associates, then the one that haven’t earned the honor yet. And each has its specific name, which was kind of interesting. It was something in Italian and I haven’t seen or read it around here the Forums or on the Internet. If someone knows them, it would be great to know. Luiggi is about on his 50’s, a business-man and well-dressed. BTW I don’t really mind age at all because it’s great to Socialize with some people coz they can be interesting. Luiggi said so many things about Mafia, I wish I could’ve recorded it. lol At the end, the pizza he brought me got cold because he stayed for about 3 hours chatting with me. I just re-heated it on the micro and ate it happily. The highlight was when he talked to me about Bernardo Provenzano, a gangster that hasn’t been seen in public since the summer of 1963. He did mention Toto Riina and other Sicilian mobsters I didn’t know, but he highlighted Bernardo Provenzano. Do you think they will ever get him? Is Bernardo Provenzano on the top post in the Sicilian Mafia? Does someone have some deep info about him? Has anybody met someone who had a close friend on the Mafia? Did you have the freedom to ask him questions about it? Because I think I did, Luiggi is mi amigo italiano.

Thanks for reading

Posted By: plawrence

Re: Capo di capos - 01/07/06 07:37 PM

I can't answer any of your questions, VTG, as I know basically nothing about the Sicilian Mafia, but I enjoyed your story.
Posted By: Don Larzono

Re: Capo di capos - 02/01/06 10:35 AM

Yes, Bernardo Provenzano is at the top post of the Mafia, and has been ever since Totò Riina got arrested in 93.

Here is some info on Provenzano in english: Provenzano

I recently broke up with my girlfriend, who is Sicilian, after a 7-month long relationship, and I have alot of Sicilian friends. None of them has any ties to the mafia (that I know of) but my girlfriend had alot of knowledge about the mafia-history around her city, and in Sicily as a whole. I guess I was free to ask her anything, I just wasn't interested.
Posted By: M.M. Floors

Re: Capo di capos - 02/01/06 12:24 PM

Originally posted by Vito The Godfather:
Bernardo Provenzano

1)Do you think they will ever get him? 2)Is Bernardo Provenzano on the top post in the Sicilian Mafia? 3)Does someone have some deep info about him? 4)Has anybody met someone who had a close friend on the Mafia? 5)Did you have the freedom to ask him questions about it?
Thanks for reading

1) No they will not get him. I think this man will die (if he already isn't!) because of age.

2) Probably not. Imagine he's a hiding man of 73 years old. There will be enough younger people to take over that spot of Capo di tutti Capi. Can't give you names, but that's what I think.

3) Nobody has deep info about him. Or you should get in contact with high officials of police.

4)Nope, unfortunately not.

Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Capo di capos - 02/01/06 05:19 PM

Very interesting story, Vito. I think that, if you could have one baht for every ExPat Italian who claimed he had ties to the Mafia, you'd be rich overnight.
BTW: you should re-heat pizza in a regular oven. Microwave makes the crust soft and soggy.
Posted By: Vito The Godfather

Re: Capo di capos - 02/05/06 10:15 AM

Originally posted by Turnbull:
Very interesting story, Vito. I think that, if you could have one baht for every ExPat Italian who claimed he had ties to the Mafia, you'd be rich overnight.
BTW: you should re-heat pizza in a regular oven. Microwave makes the crust soft and soggy.
Actually, I'd rather reheat it on a wooden fire oven. But unfortunately don't have one at home here.

And about ExPats here, there are the good and the bad ones. But I heard there are some Russian, German, Dutch and a few Italians mobsters around hiding if im not wrong. On the island of Koh Samui and Pattaya especially.
Posted By: Dominic Corleone

Re: Capo di capos - 02/18/06 11:53 PM

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