
Bugsy's hit

Posted By: Remember Vito Andolini

Bugsy's hit - 10/03/05 01:14 PM

Was the hit ordered by Luciano himself or the entire Syndicate? Who did the execution? I've heard Meyer Lansky tried to save his friend's life to the last minute but to no avail.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Bugsy's hit - 10/03/05 02:03 PM

Actually the case has never been "officialy" solved.

One Eddie Cannizzaro originaly claimed to have been the triggerman in the Bugsy hit, but after learning that the statue of limitations for murder does NOT run out, he clamed up.

Another rumor was that a hit man named Frankie Caranzo carried out the hit.

Luciano, Lansky and the rest of that crew felt that costs to build the casino had run through the roof, and they also suspected him of skimming.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Bugsy's hit - 10/03/05 04:02 PM

As DC said, no one was arrested or indicted for the murder of Siegel. There are several theories. Here they are, in descending order of liklihood:
1. Charlie Luciano, Joe Adonis and perhaps other NYC mobsters ordered the hit because Bugsy's bill for building the Flamingo Hotel ran past $5 million instead of the original $1 million that he told them about. They believed that he and/or Virginia Hill embezzled some or most of the money. Lansky may have opposed the hit, but he was forced to go along with it. The film "Bugsy" seems to imply that Mickey Cohen was the gunman, but I doubt it.
2. West Coast Mafia boss Jack Dragna arranged the hit in revenge for Bugsy's muscling in on his rackets. But Bugsy did the muscling on behalf of Luciano, Adonis et al. But it's possible that, after Luciano et al decided to whack Bugsy, they gave the contract to Dragna, who would have been happy to comply.
3. Virginia Hill's brother, Chick, pulled the trigger in revenge for abuse Bugsy heaped on him and Virginia. This theory was put forward because Chick owned a .30 cal M1 carbine, the type of weapon that was used in the Siegel hit. But so did several hundred thousand other Americans. Chick disappeared after the hit, but that's not proof he had anything to do with it.
4. The Chicago Outfit whacked Bugsy because he was abusing Hill, who was their eyes, ears and money launderer in the West (she was also a mistress of Joe Epstein, top aide to Jake Greasy Thumb Guzik, who was Al Capone's second in command and ran the Outfit with Frank Nitti while Capone was in prison). This theory loses credibility because Hill was perfectly capable of looking after herself--and gave as much abuse as she took from Bugsy.
Posted By: Remember Vito Andolini

Re: Bugsy's hit - 10/04/05 08:08 AM

Why didn't they whack Virginia Hill while she was still in the US?

BTW, is that Beveley Hills house still around?
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Bugsy's hit - 12/22/05 01:46 AM

Originally posted by Remember Vito Andolini:

BTW, is that Beveley Hills house still around?
In 2003, a Beverly Hills Surgeon and his wife bought the house for about $4 million.

here's a pic :


Don Cardi
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Bugsy's hit - 12/22/05 06:44 AM

$4 million? Peanuts by Beverly Hills standards. Did the price include the fancy "ironwork" around the house?
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Bugsy's hit - 12/22/05 01:37 PM

Originally posted by Turnbull:
$4 million? Peanuts by Beverly Hills standards. Did the price include the fancy "ironwork" around the house?
I had the same thought when I researched the house. Only $4 million in Beverly Hills?

But is turns out that the house needed an extensive overhaul ( the "ironwork" that you see surrounding the mansion.) So I'm guessing that is the reason why the Dr. got it at such a discount rate.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Bugsy's hit - 12/22/05 01:55 PM

Originally posted by Remember Vito Andolini:
BTW, is that Beveley Hills house still around?
For what it's worth, there are still renovations going on in that house. According to The Department Of Community Development Of California, as of September 29th, 2005, this project was on the Active Projects List:


Last updated September 29, 2005

810 Linden Drive - two-story garage.second unit accessory structure located within rear and side yard setbacks.

TB, maybe you and I can make the current owner of that place an offer he can't refuse.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Bugsy's hit - 12/22/05 06:05 PM

Yeah, it's worth almost as much as my home in NJ.
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