
J Edgar Hoover denied existence of the Mob

Posted By: Remember Vito Andolini

J Edgar Hoover denied existence of the Mob - 09/14/05 06:03 AM

Did the Mob managed to get hold of his crossdressing pics? Or he had a gambling problem and they let him keep winning to keep him happy?
Posted By: Mr.Gribbs

Re: J Edgar Hoover denied existence of the Mob - 09/14/05 12:46 PM

I heard both stories,but the second seems more likely.I once read that Frank Costello made sure Hoover won at the race tracks,because he wouldn't take money.Not cash,anyway,but he would bet a dollar himself,and let somebody else place a real big bet for him.
Posted By: juventus

Re: J Edgar Hoover denied existence of the Mob - 09/14/05 01:38 PM

Maybe both of them were true. Maybe not even one....
I think we'll never know...
Posted By: plawrence

Re: J Edgar Hoover denied existence of the Mob - 09/14/05 02:03 PM

Hoover was certainly more interested in chasing communists, which at the time was more important to most people.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: J Edgar Hoover denied existence of the Mob - 09/14/05 02:08 PM

Wait, Hoover saying something that was against reality and logic itself? Thats.....news to me!

Posted By: Turnbull

Re: J Edgar Hoover denied existence of the Mob - 09/14/05 02:53 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Hoover was certainly more interested in chasing communists, which at the time was more important to most people.
That's the main reason he ignored the Mob--Commies provided him with an easy, headline-grabbing focus. The joke in the US at that time was that there were more FBI undercover agents in the Communist Party USA than actual Communists. If the FBI undercover guys stopped paying dues, the party would have folded.
Hoover has had several excellent biographies. The gambling story apparently was true. Hoover was a passionate horse-player, though not a degenerate gambler (he was a penny-ante bettor). It seems that he did get regular tips on fixed races from FBI agents, who got them from underworld contacts. It's quite possible that Costello was behind those tips. Hoover probably knew that the tips came from "the underworld" (whatever that meant to him), but he obviously looked the other way. The fact that he accepted those tips and made small bets doesn't necessarily mean that he turned a blind eye to the Mafia as a quid pro quo.
Hoover was a lifelong "mamma's boy" and bachelor, and he shared his home with his second-in-command, Clyde Tolson. Some people think this implies that he was gay. He might have been, but all of his biographers checked it out and could find no evidence. Doesn't mean he wasn't gay, just means they couldn't confirm it. The "drag" picture apparently is a myth.
Posted By: SC

Re: J Edgar Hoover denied existence of the Mob - 09/14/05 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Turnbull:
Hoover was a passionate horse-player, though not a degenerate gambler (he was a penny-ante bettor). It seems that he did get regular tips on fixed races from FBI agents, who got them from underworld contacts. It's quite possible that Costello was behind those tips. Hoover probably knew that the tips came from "the underworld" (whatever that meant to him), but he obviously looked the other way.
My research into Costello pretty much backs up reports that he would pass on horse tips to Hoover through Walter Winchell. Hoover was usually a $2 bettor, but would have a flunky place his $50 bets when he had a tip.
Posted By: Joe Batters

Re: J Edgar Hoover denied existence of the Mob - 09/14/05 09:40 PM

Communist in the 50's was an excuse for the Fat Cats to go into other countries and line their pockets

Joe Batters
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: J Edgar Hoover denied existence of the Mob - 09/15/05 02:00 PM

Originally posted by Joe Batters:
Communist in the 50's was an excuse for the Fat Cats to go into other countries and line their pockets

...and to squash dissent at home...
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