
Frank Costello's finger ballet

Posted By: Remember Vito Andolini

Frank Costello's finger ballet - 09/14/05 05:58 AM

What's with his famous finger ballet? Why did he not want to show his face on TV during the committee hearing?
Posted By: Mr.Gribbs

Re: Frank Costello's finger ballet - 09/14/05 12:41 PM

Would you like to be recognised on national television, during a mafia commitee hearing?
Posted By: Remember Vito Andolini

Re: Frank Costello's finger ballet - 09/14/05 05:01 PM

Costello was pretty well known anyway. Are you sure the public couldn't figure it out with his waspy voice?
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Frank Costello's finger ballet - 09/14/05 06:00 PM

That famous bit has always baffled me. The Kefauver hearings were televised. But although the witnesses were subpoenaed and could not refuse to be cross-examined, they were not compelled to appear on live TV. Costello simply could have told the subcommittee, "No cameras," and that would have been that. Instead, he agreed to appear--if they only televised his hands. If anything, it made things worse for him because it underscored the furtive nature of the Mafia. A rare mistake for the "Prime Minister."
Posted By: Joe Batters

Re: Frank Costello's finger ballet - 09/14/05 09:43 PM

Sinatra was supeoned by the commitee and he got to testify at the top of the Rockafeller building with his attorny at 4 in the morning, I don't see why any of the Mafia cats that were summoned didn't push for that....

Joe Batters
Posted By: Remember Vito Andolini

Re: Frank Costello's finger ballet - 09/15/05 05:32 AM

I've heard Costello was quite nervous during the hearing. Was that true? What exactly do they mean by "finger ballet" anyway? Was he gently tapping the table with his fingers or something?
Posted By: Willy

Re: Frank Costello's finger ballet - 11/06/05 07:50 PM

Costello himself allowed being filmed, but at the last moment he changed his mind a asked not to film his face. Not so smart because it seemed like he had something to hide. He didnt do so well when he was interrogated. A year earlier he also testified for a committee and that time he did great. He was known as the 'prime minister' of New York because he knew so many important people and had so much influence. Kefauver changed all that, politicians and bussinessmen got scared of being seen with Costello.

The Kefauver hearings also meant the end for Willie Moretti, the guy that launched Sinatra.He ran a big piece of New Yersey for the Genovese-family. And was a close friend of Costello. He even had a seat on the national commission. But after testifying (he was the only one) he got killed.

Word is that he got senile and that why they killed him.
But this could be a mob-excuse.
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Frank Costello's finger ballet - 11/06/05 09:50 PM

Is there a video on the internet of that interrogation?
Posted By: Willy

Re: Frank Costello's finger ballet - 11/06/05 10:39 PM

I dont think so. I saw it once on National geographic I think.
They also showed the Valachi-hearings in that show.
He didnt seem to be a smart guy, hardly found his words.
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