
John Gotti

Posted By: juventus

John Gotti - 08/27/05 08:21 AM

I'm reading the book Mafia Dynasty: the rise and fall of the Gambino crime family from John H. Davis.

There he (Davis) said that when Gotti became an Acting-capo (Fatico was busy with charges of illegal-gambling i believe) he wasn't even made. And when Gotti was made he immediatly became a capo. At least thats what I understand...(its in dutch, and I'm dutch)
Gotti became made after his prison-sentence of 2 years for the killing of McBratney...

I thought he became capo after that and was already made before he'd go to jail

Somebody knows more, or can explain?

Posted By: Turnbull

Re: John Gotti - 08/27/05 05:36 PM

Juventus, it's hard to know exactly what happened, since, if anyone witnessed his "making" ceremony, they're either dead or not talking. In "Mob Star," an excellent book about Gotti, Jerry Capeci and Gene Mustain repeat the story that you posted. But I don't know if they came to this conclusion on their own, or if they're simply repeating what they read in the John Davis book. It often happens that when one author prints a snappy, appealing "fact," it gets repeated ad infinitum even if it isn't true.
Posted By: juventus

Re: John Gotti - 08/28/05 10:36 AM

OK Thanks Turbull,
I think John H. Davis copied it from Jerry Capeci and Gene Mustain, because the book MobStar was earlier made than the book of John H Davis (not sure about that).

But, another question about John Gotti..

Did John Gotti hold control of his family till his dead in 2002? Or didn't he run his family from behind bars? Some say he held control till 1996 and than did go in 'retirement'. But why??? Was he forced by The Chin, if so why?
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: John Gotti - 08/29/05 03:12 AM

Originally posted by juventus:
Did John Gotti hold control of his family till his dead in 2002? Or didn't he run his family from behind bars? Some say he held control till 1996 and than did go in 'retirement'. But why??? Was he forced by The Chin, if so why?
I think Gotti tried to run his family from behind bars for a while after his conviction in the Castellano murder case. But then he tried to transfer control to his son. It is not clear to me that he did it because he wanted to, or he was forced to by elements in his family who wanted him (and his son) out of the picture. No matter: Junior was a flop as Don.
At the time of Gotti's death, his brother, Peter, allegedly was in control of the family. But I'm not totally sure about that. The media reported that Peter was in charge, but they may have been wrong. Reporters don't sit in on Mafia councils--they report what they think their readers want to read.
Most news reports say that The Chin tried to whack Gotti soon after he killed Castellano, because The Chin disapproved of the Castellano killing. As you know, he had Anthony (Gas Pipe) Casso plant a bomb under Gotti's car. The bomb killed Frankie DiCicco, not Gotti. But, according to newspaper and Web stories, Gotti and The Chin reconciled after that attempt. Frankly, I find this hard to believe: why would Gotti and The Chin reconcile, since "kill or be killed" is the way Mafia guys behave? More likely: The Chin had his own worries to occupy him--like keeping up his non compos mentis act to stay out of prison. :rolleyes:
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: John Gotti - 08/29/05 03:20 AM

Reporters don't sit in on Mafia councils--they report what they think their readers want to read.
Very well said! Whether Peter Gotti was in charge or not that name must make reporters all tingly. Peter and Gotti, two VERY easy names to pronounce and remember, there are no "weird" Italian names that might make people feel stupid if they can't pronounce them and the name Gotti was all over the place for years. It made everyone feel comfortable.
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: John Gotti - 08/29/05 09:36 AM

two VERY easy names to pronounce and remember, there are no "weird" Italian names that might make people feel stupid if they can't pronounce them
Say Castemmallarese 5 times in a row, very fast.
Posted By: juventus

Re: John Gotti - 08/29/05 10:22 AM

Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
[quote] two VERY easy names to pronounce and remember, there are no "weird" Italian names that might make people feel stupid if they can't pronounce them
Say Castemmallarese 5 times in a row, very fast. [/quote]It is Castellammarese (Castellammare del Golfo) actually
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: John Gotti - 08/29/05 03:24 PM

Then I try to be funny, and now this. :rolleyes:

But I know the spelling, it was just a typo.
Posted By: juventus

Re: John Gotti - 08/29/05 04:53 PM

Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
Then I try to be funny, and now this. :rolleyes:

But I know the spelling, it was just a typo.
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: John Gotti - 08/29/05 05:25 PM

You think I'm funny?
I make you laugh, huh? I amuse you, huh? Like a clown, is that what you're trying to say? Do you fuckin think I'm funny???

Shit, it doesn't work when not spoken.

Wel Juventus, toch mooi geprobeerd, niet?
Posted By: juventus

Re: John Gotti - 08/29/05 09:32 PM

Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
You think I'm funny?
I make you laugh, huh? I amuse you, huh? Like a clown, is that what you're trying to say? Do you fuckin think I'm funny???

Shit, it doesn't work when not spoken.

Wel Juventus, toch mooi geprobeerd, niet?
Getta fuck outta here Enzo!
You really ARE a funny guy!
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: John Gotti - 08/29/05 10:02 PM

Well thank you. :p

But say that one more time, and they will find you at the bottom of the ocean.

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