
Who succeed Luciano?

Posted By: juventus

Who succeed Luciano? - 08/08/05 04:12 PM

Who succeed Lucky Luciano as head of the Luciano-family (later:genovese-family)? Was is Vito Genovese or Frank Costello?

Genovese was Luciano's underboss before Lucky was deported, but Vito left USA for Italy around the same time Luciano had gone to prison...

So between Luciano had gone to the can and Costello became boss, was Genovese the boss for a short period?
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Who succeed Luciano? - 08/08/05 06:56 PM

Costello took over from Luciano & when Genovese came home from Italy he ousted Frank!
Did'nt Vincent "The Chin" Galante attempt to kill costello in a hotel lobby but succeed only in wounding him....however giving Costello the notion that the time was right to retire as such?
Posted By: Donatello Noboddi

Re: Who succeed Luciano? - 08/08/05 07:21 PM

Originally posted by Yogi Barrabbas:
Costello took over from Luciano & when Genovese came home from Italy he ousted Frank!
Did'nt Vincent "The Chin" Galante attempt to kill costello in a hotel lobby but succeed only in wounding him....however giving Costello the notion that the time was right to retire as such?
Yes, this is the infamous shooting that clued the FBI in on the skim from Vegas. A note was found in Costello's pocket that detailed some of the take. (I think from the Tropicana)
Posted By: juventus

Re: Who succeed Luciano? - 08/09/05 10:57 AM

I know that Genovese became the familyboss after Costello but:
When Luciano was a boss, Genovese was his underboss (and Costello his consigliere). So when Luciano was arrested and thrown in jail it is likey that Genovese took over, and not Costello. But later that year Genovese fled to Italy. Thereafter Costello took over.
So in that short period with Luciano in jail and genovese IN America, he had to be the boss. You know, to me its more logical that an underboss succeed his boss than a consigliere....
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Who succeed Luciano? - 08/10/05 09:51 PM

You got it right, Juventus:
Luciano actually ran his family from prison. But Genovese was the titular head immediately after Luciano went away. Then Genovese was indicted for murder and fled to Italy. Costello then was the head of the family, and his grip increased. Genovese came home after WWII. In 1946, as you probably know, a famous Mafia Commission meeting was held at the Hotel Nacional in Havana. Luciano came from Italy to preside. But, the story goes, the US Justice Dept. found out about his presence in Havana and leaned on the Cuban government to deport him. Luciano believed Genovese ratted him out. He opposed Genovese taking over his former family, and Costello stayed as head. Genovese didn't feel strong enough to challenge Luciano and Costello until 1957. That's when he arranged for The Chin to shoot Costello, who retired. Genovese took over, then arranged for Albert Anastasia to be killed, and installed his ally, Carlo Gambino, in The Mad Hatter's place.
Posted By: juventus

Re: Who succeed Luciano? - 08/11/05 08:19 AM

OK Thanks all of you..

So, it was really logical that Genovese wanted the top-spot, actually he had the right....
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Who succeed Luciano? - 08/12/05 03:27 PM

And what's Bonnano's deal in this whole thin?
Posted By: juventus

Re: Who succeed Luciano? - 08/12/05 06:10 PM

Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
And what's Bonnano's deal in this whole thin?
I dont know what you mean....In the struggle for power between genovese and costello, Bonanno had no deal (as far as i know). What i do know is that he didn't made a peace, what he called the Pax-Bonanno, a peace between Genovese (and Lucchese) and Costello-Anastasia. He said that in his book, but thats balloney, nonsense.
Posted By: juventus

Re: Who succeed Luciano? - 08/12/05 06:11 PM

But what was Luciano's real name? was it Lucania or Luciana?
Posted By: Joe Batters

Re: Who succeed Luciano? - 08/12/05 07:25 PM

I think it was Luciana, I believe that is what it says on his Masoluom(sorry I butchered the spelling). A lot of Cosa Nostra members changed there names when they came to America to seem more Americanized
Paul Ricca stole a name from a man he murdered in Sicly, and Dutch Shultz chaned his name so it would fit in the Headlines of the Newspaper, no wonder he had so many enemies, that guy was a shmuck
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Who succeed Luciano? - 08/12/05 08:48 PM

Originally posted by juventus:
But what was Luciano's real name? was it Lucania or Luciana?
Salvatore Lucania changed his name to Charles Luciano.

Don Cardi
Posted By: juventus

Re: Who succeed Luciano? - 08/14/05 07:17 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[quote]Originally posted by juventus:
[b] But what was Luciano's real name? was it Lucania or Luciana?
Salvatore Lucania changed his name to Charles Luciano.

Don Cardi [/b][/quote]2 different answers but i found out this one is right. I found a picture of his grave, it said Lucania.

BTW: What not so many people know: Also Angelo Bruno changed his name. His real name was Angelo Andaloro.
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