
New Russians

Posted By: Cancerkitty

New Russians - 09/11/04 11:20 PM

Can anyone recommend a book, website, what-have-you with good information on the New Russians (Russian Mafia) in the US. I need good information because it's for a research project for school.
Posted By: AllEyesOnChris

Re: New Russians - 09/12/04 02:46 AM

There was an article in Maxim a while back about various gangs, including the Russians. Interesting reading for anyone on the board. Here's a link, good luck!

Posted By: Turnbull

Re: New Russians - 09/12/04 05:30 PM

Try "Red Mafiya : How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America," by Robert I. Friedman; and "Comrade Criminal: Russia's New Mafiya," by Stephen Handelman
Posted By: Signore Sole Aumentante

Re: New Russians - 09/13/04 02:39 AM

That Maxim article is interestng, but why didn't they speak of the Italian mob? The Mob could kick the a$$ of any one of those other gangs.

EDIT: never mind. Off to the side there. That's crap, though. We should e-mail the bastards and make them correct there statements. The Mob isn't dead now, they make it sound like John Gotti going away was the nail in the coffin, when in fact Gotti was the boss of a family with other people left to lead, and wasn't even the most powerful family. I believe the Mob is rising again, and getting more powerful.
Posted By: Geovanni-Martino

Re: New Russians - 09/17/04 01:20 AM

Italian mafia is not dead, just people presume it is because FBI arent getting anything, and you arent seeing any deaths that have to do with the mob, but it if werent for rats and wiretaps, people wouldnt have known about the italian mafia to this day. And now since the russians and asians are rising in power in the US, the wiseguys dont have as much heat on them, and that might give them a chance to rehabilitate the italian mafia in america again.
Posted By: Cancerkitty

Re: New Russians - 09/20/04 12:24 AM

Thanks for the recommendations Turnbull, I found them both used on Amazon for next to nothing. I can't wait to start reading about them.
Posted By: ChrisY2J

Re: New Russians - 09/21/04 12:12 PM

You'll find the Friedman book "RED MAFIYA" a most interesting read. The Russian mobsters are scary people. Wait til you read the section on how the Russian "vors" have invaded the lives of some Russian NHL players!
Posted By: Rudik

Re: New Russians - 09/28/04 01:47 AM

Im not russian but i have lived there before and know alot of stuff about the russian mafia.I read a few books seen videos and know everything. Now when you guys say russian mafia is weak compared to the italian mafia.Its not. Why is russian economy so week? Becuasue the whole goverment is the mafia.It might sound stupid but its true. It is a little better now with putin ruling. but when yeltsin was president russia was contolled by the mafia. I know everthing about the "vors" and how they get they become one.and all that stuff. so if you guys have questions just write to me anytime.In recent news one of the main vors just got out of the prison in ny and was deported back to russia. he was one scary fuck.
Posted By: jackson81

Re: New Russians - 10/10/04 06:14 AM

Originally posted by Geovanni-Martino:
Italian mafia is not dead, just people presume it is because FBI arent getting anything
That's just what the mafia wants everyone to think, is that they are dead. LCN works in secrecy and omerta. They are not going to draw attention to themselves, rather just sit on the sidelines until the weaker forms of crime weeds themselves out and THEN they'll tighten the noose and run this country again. Brilliant.
Posted By: Cancerkitty

Re: New Russians - 10/15/04 04:01 PM

I'm reading Red Mafiya now, and yes, it's a facinating book, but the author really ran down Detroit. What's up with that?
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