

Posted By: Don Luciano

Half-Cock - 08/30/04 05:56 PM

Any ideas why Lefty Ruggerio aka 'Two guns' was also given the alias 'Half-Cock'??
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Half-Cock - 08/30/04 06:45 PM

Ey up mate, long time no see.

I don't know for certain and this is only a guess but I'd presume the name came from the fact he had cancer of the "prick".
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Half-Cock - 08/31/04 04:22 AM

That was the reason he gave in the film. The book also said his nickname was "horse cock," which somehow seems the antithesis of "half cock."
Posted By: Don Luciano

Re: Half-Cock - 08/31/04 04:13 PM

Sup Turi!
The only time i recall Lefty's alias' being mentioned was in an FBI document reporting Pistone's contact with lefty. I'm gonna watch the film again tonight and try and pick out some more info.
So is there not more detail in the book?
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Half-Cock - 08/31/04 07:17 PM

Originally posted by Don Luciano:
Sup Turi!
The only time i recall Lefty's alias' being mentioned was in an FBI document reporting Pistone's contact with lefty. I'm gonna watch the film again tonight and try and pick out some more info.
So is there not more detail in the book?
The book has tons more detail on everything. It's far superior to the film. You should read it if you haven't already.
Posted By: jackson81

Re: Half-Cock - 10/07/04 02:17 AM

Half-cock is kind of like the safety on a single-action revolver. The first click when you pull back the hammer will stay there, hense half-cock. It saves time and effort of cocking the hammer and firing because you are already halfway there. Every second counts in a hit, you know. If you were to accidentally pull the trigger on half-cock, there is not enough momentum in the down stroke to set off the bullet's primer. That way, you can have the gun kind of "loaded" without having to worry about blowing your kidney out getting your gun out of the side holster. So the only thing that I can think of why Lefty is called Half-Cock is because he his careful. What is it? 27 hits under his belt and he's not dead or been pinched? That's pretty careful, if you ask me. Fuhgiddaboutit!
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Half-Cock - 10/07/04 10:12 AM

Holy cow, good one Jackson, it now seems so obvious we missed it. That makes absolute logical sense.

By the way, welcome to BB.
Posted By: jackson81

Re: Half-Cock - 10/09/04 06:55 PM

Not a problem, my good man. Fuggiddabowdit! Thanx for the warm welcome to the site. Real stand up guy, right there.
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