
Joining a family

Posted By: Don Romano

Joining a family - 03/13/04 07:56 PM

How can i get to join a mafia family, or start connections, doing some small time job for a capo i dunno and then become a made man ,or something similer..
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Joining a family - 03/13/04 11:45 PM

Am I dreaming?

Wiseguys don't put vacencies for jobs in your local paper mate. Simple as this mate, if you're even stupid enough to have to ask how to join the Mafia you wont last 5 minutes on the street. I don't think you have a clue how this world works. I'm sorry but someone has to tell you before you get yourself shot.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Joining a family - 03/14/04 02:47 AM

I am really starting to become scared with some of these new members. Young Don beleives he is a Don and once emailed me asking for a truce( ) Then there was Santino Silvio or something like that and now this guy. Its a little insulting to the human inteligence, much like that new movie, Hellboy
Posted By: Domenico

Re: Joining a family - 03/14/04 02:58 AM

What's both scary andstupid about his question is that he is fron new york[ so it says] DO YOUR SELF A FAVOR when you're away from this B.B. ....KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!!!!!!!
Posted By: Don Pope

Re: Joining a family - 03/14/04 04:04 AM

Originally posted by Don Romano:
How can i get to join a mafia family, or start connections, doing some small time job for a capo i dunno and then become a made man ,or something similer..
that the funniest thing ive heard of this month!
Posted By: Signore Sole Aumentante

Re: Joining a family - 03/15/04 04:57 AM

Wow. That's a stupid question to ask. Yeah, asking that q., you won't last five minutes in the mob.

Unless you know someone who has connections to connect you, you have to meet them randomly or have family in the mob, like me. In any case, you're probably going to be shot.
Posted By: M.M. Floors

Re: Joining a family - 03/15/04 10:38 AM

Some people are getting way to serious.
Posted By: Vito The Godfather

Re: Joining a family - 03/15/04 12:19 PM

The "question of the year 2004".

Posted By: Don Romano

Re: Joining a family - 03/21/04 02:31 AM

ok shut the fuck up now.. i was jst fucking asking ,maybe im new in this fucking shit but maybe u coudl ve exlain it without fucking saying stupid, dumb, or scary or funny all the time ... i made a mistake coming here, u guys are talking like if u in tha mafia, like if u have some mob connections u guys are just some mob movie fans and now ya go on tha internet and act like if u some kind of gangster. shit be real . be real. be urself
Posted By: Knocc Out

Re: Joining a family - 03/21/04 02:42 AM

^^ That message you just posted applies to yourself

you should start BEING YOUR SELF your not a gangster, that street mentality cannot be faked or attempted, you have to grow up with that hate inside you to really turn out to be a badass criminal, i dont have it, you dont have it, and i doubt anyone on this site have it because they probably wouldnt be here, your not a gangster, your an average person, the quicker you deal with it, the better
Posted By: Don Romano

Re: Joining a family - 03/21/04 02:46 AM

ok.. are u finish? that all u got to say ?
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Joining a family - 03/21/04 03:50 AM

Originally posted by Don Romano:
u guys are talking like if u in tha mafia, like if u have some mob connections
Seriously, man, what have we ever said to make you think we were claiming to be in the mob or have mob connections? And you have to use a little common sence here. Do you know how stupid it would be to (seriously) "recruit" some guy for your "mafia" over the internet? Do you really think that real life mafiosi have nothing better to do then sit around on an internet message board and talk to other mafiosi and recruit kids? Listen to yourself!
If you are into mob movies, on the other hand, then feel free to join in on the discussions.
Posted By: Augusto

Re: Joining a family - 03/21/04 07:02 AM

Don Romano,

We have no use for profanity here, we are all men that can be reasoned with. They said such words that obviously insulted you but what they were trying to say though subtle but obscene is that you should do your homework. If you really want to join a family then you should do some research because if you have done your homework then you shouldn't be asking "that" question in the first place. Consider the code of Omerta and how "they" religiously follow it, not even giving directions to a stranger. Then speaking about the mafia,here on the internet, would be an unlikely event and is an improbability,it is not in their nature.

"Never get angry, Never make a threat. Reason with people." - The Godfather
Posted By: Don Romano

Re: Joining a family - 03/21/04 11:56 PM

that was smart augusto.. i will follow that.. thank you everybody to putting me back into my senses
Posted By: Don Romano

Re: Joining a family - 03/21/04 11:58 PM

alright now can someone please close this thread?
lets all forget this little incident... and i dont wanna hear from it anymore.. and yes almost of my favorit movies are mobster movies..
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Joining a family - 03/22/04 05:20 PM

OK, cool Romano, I hereby personaly welcome you to this great BB and too hope we can forget about this incident. Sorry about the harsh words but I was being deadly serious and hoped a shock tactic would defer you from ever attempting to get into that life because you will either die or go to prison. It isn't like the movies.
Posted By: Don Romano

Re: Joining a family - 03/29/04 12:44 AM

alright thank you
Posted By: Don Ounce

Re: Joining a family - 03/31/04 12:48 PM

Over here in ireland you just have to join the provos and your sorta in a mafia
Posted By: Don Ounce

Re: Joining a family - 03/31/04 12:49 PM

Over here the "mafia" is the old Provisinal IRA. If you want ot join them you just gotta ask. You gotta be a catholic though. once ur in da provos your sorted.
Posted By: juventus

Re: Joining a family - 04/05/04 12:55 PM

Not that i want to get into it but....
Can anyone give an answer on the original question of Don Romano cause I don't know the answer
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Joining a family - 04/07/04 02:05 AM

The answer- We dont know either, we're not in the mafia.
Posted By: Jonny Tightlips

Re: Joining a family - 04/29/04 07:04 PM

Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Joining a family - 04/30/04 01:47 AM

Don Geoff, You mentioned you needed to delete some posts, well, for Ramano's sake, please delete this one. It is going to continually come back to bite him in the ass.
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