
Argentina's Mafias.

Posted By: Zauber

Argentina's Mafias. - 01/22/04 04:29 AM

We in Argentina have the Taxi's Mafia, they drive taxis and rob the passengers.
We also have the Pancho's Mafia (hot dogs).
Have the Cumbia's Mafia.
Everything here is a mafia, because they move like that.
Obviously, we have Italian, Russian, Chinese, Korean mafias.

Juan Pablo.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Argentina's Mafias. - 01/22/04 12:44 PM

That would absolutely suck to get a taxi and to then get robbed. It reminds me of an episode of the Simpsons when they travel to Brazil and Homer is took hostage in a Taxi.

I know next to nothing of the excistence of an Argentine Mafia, maybe you could enlighten us all here with some information and knowledge. I know Brazil has had it's connections in the past with Buscetta, exiled head of the Cupola, being found there even after numerous slayings of his sons and other relatives back in Sicily. He controlled huge drug connections between there and America.
Posted By: Vito The Godfather

Re: Argentina's Mafias. - 01/22/04 03:23 PM

Hey, are you from Buenos Aires ?
Well one time when i went there, i got to Ezeiza Int'l Airport, in Buenos Aires, and then i took a taxi. I told him to take me to town and he went on over 200 km/h on the highway if im not kidding, and offered me some marihuana while driving so fast... hehehe I said no coz i didnt wanna get arrested or some shit, maybe he was an undercover cob or something. But it was really fun. And i dont know about any Argentine mafia. Maybe Maradona and his narcotics
Posted By: Vito The Godfather

Re: Argentina's Mafias. - 01/30/04 10:54 AM

Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Argentina's Mafias. - 01/30/04 01:26 PM

Originally posted by Vito The Godfather:
Maybe Maradona and his narcotics
Not to mention his massive tax evasion when residing and playing for Napoli.
Posted By: Zauber

Re: Argentina's Mafias. - 02/06/04 05:18 AM

There are Mafias, not like the Italian Mafia, but believe me, there are.
The Police acts like a Mafia...
Posted By: Vito The Godfather

Re: Argentina's Mafias. - 02/10/04 10:52 AM

Police act like mafia? What you mean? So, they just go, stop a car and get fuck loads of money outta anything?
And about the mafia, how does it work there in ARG ?

Posted By: The Sicilian

Re: Argentina's Mafias. - 02/22/04 09:37 PM

I thought the Mexican mafia ran the show down there? Didnt they take over the stuff that the Colombians used to have before their "fall"?
Posted By: Zauber

Re: Argentina's Mafias. - 02/23/04 02:41 AM

The people who are really handling the mafia are:
Carlos Menem and Eduardo Duhalde. They are with drugs, guns, etc. They run the police at will, and every institution here.
They are argentine, and Politicians...
Then, obviously, there are the Chinese, Russian, etc...
Posted By: Vito The Godfather

Re: Argentina's Mafias. - 02/23/04 01:07 PM

Carlos Menem is such a corrupt bastard. They already caught him. He is accused of allegedly accepting a sum of money from a big company in Switzerland, which gave him something around us$ 5 million. Plus others corporations he ripped off.

Posted By: Zauber

Re: Argentina's Mafias. - 02/24/04 03:01 AM

So, beacuse he is like a Godfather... He's free!!!
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