
How far from the tree does the apple fall?

Posted By: DonEthereal_313

How far from the tree does the apple fall? - 09/08/03 08:34 PM


Ok, yesterday I'm talking to a girl. Tells me she's Italian. She invites me over for a while today I'm talking to her dad...introduces himself as Anthony Luchesse...

So, my question is, how far does a member of the mob (now this is just alleged, I don't actually know) travel from his "hometown", and what is the possibility that this guy might actually be a member of the Luchesse family?

Thanks in advance.

Don Ethereal
Posted By: Don Mataya

Re: How far from the tree does the apple fall? - 09/08/03 08:40 PM

A mobster could be anywhere at the country at any time, especially in a big city like Detroit while La Cosa Nostra is still very powerful but I seriously doubt he is a member of the Lucchesse family. But you never know...that would be very strange.

Just dont beat her up
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: How far from the tree does the apple fall? - 09/08/03 11:21 PM

You said it best yourself Ethereal, it is just alleged.

You can't confuse people for being related to organised crime because of a name. Take the microsoft empire as an example. Bill Gates, the boss and his Family are made up of all people of different names. Who ever's good for the job. Ok maybe he might have helped a few family members join his business so there may be other Gates' in Microsoft (don't know if this is true though). But you find someone with the surname Gates, more probable than not, they're not related to the little guy by blood or by business.

The same goes with the Lucchese. Tommy maybe had a few relatives associated with the Mafia. But the Family is made up of hundreds of people with different names.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: How far from the tree does the apple fall? - 09/09/03 04:57 AM

Also, Lucchese is a not-uncommon Italian name. Look in the white pages of any urban phone book and you'll find plenty.
Posted By: John Petosa

Re: How far from the tree does the apple fall? - 09/09/03 11:16 PM

I am friends with a guy from Staten Island named Joey Ida ... he is good friends with a guy by the name of John Lucchese ... they both race pigeons, that is how I know Joey.

They are both really nice guys though, I talk to Joey online sometimes, he is retired now. John is online too, not as much though.
Posted By: DonEthereal_313

Re: How far from the tree does the apple fall? - 09/15/03 11:46 AM


I visited the girl yesterday...nothing serious will happen from it considering I have a steady gfirlfriend of six months...

But anyhoo, I talk with her dad. And, in my infinite wisdom, come right out and ask it.

"We're you ever in La Cosa Nostra?"

He gives me a funny look and laughs. Turns out he wasen't, though a couple of his friends from Sicily were involved with the mob back in Italy. Oh well, my dreams are crushed...

Don Ethereal
Posted By: Don Ellroy

Re: How far from the tree does the apple fall? - 09/24/03 10:38 AM

My freinds girlfreinds dad is an Adelaide Consigliori and a big time drug pusher.
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