
all in the family

Posted By: lil_mafioso

all in the family - 07/22/03 06:58 PM

I know this was probably asked before but I was just wondering do any of you guys got family in the mob? Do you think it changes your perception of it? Does it affect you? If this is a dumb topic then I'm sorry.
Posted By: Researcher

Re: all in the family - 07/22/03 07:08 PM

No, no family in the mob here. The closest I get to that is that a few of my friends' parents know mafioso...but that isn't really saying much! There was a boy called Alberto who came to my school, he was in the mafia, never knew him though. (And yes there is Italian Mafia in England guys, or at least London.)
Not a dumb post at all, lil_mafioso, but if anyone does reveal their relatives are in the mob, you probably won't get names.
Posted By: lil_mafioso

Re: all in the family - 07/22/03 07:12 PM

Yeh I'm not asking for names just in relation ya know? LIke my Grandpa was in it and my grandma was great friends with the wife of the New Jersey mob. And there is an Uncle up state in NewYork who is a huge made member. And a cousin and.... all on one side of my family though. The Italian side. My moms side is just plain boring. But at least I know where I got this facination with the Mafia from.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: all in the family - 07/23/03 04:54 AM

My grandfather wasn't a gangster, but he was a truckdriver in the Mob-controlled Fulton Fish Market in NYC and knew plenty of gangsters. During Prohibition, he had a still in his house in Brooklyn and bred Pomeranian dogs, which he sold to gangsters (they loved the dogs). My father told me that one day, a "textbook gangster" in black coat and pearl-gray fedora came to the house, had a drink with my grandfather and bought one of the dogs. The following week, my father said that the NY Daily News ran a photo of the same gangster on p.1--he'd been murdered.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: all in the family - 07/23/03 01:58 PM

Wow!! Cool story TB! Is that what got you interested in the mafia/organized crime??

Posted By: Turnbull

Re: all in the family - 07/24/03 12:41 AM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
Wow!! Cool story TB! Is that what got you interested in the mafia/organized crime??

Not that story, TIS. I guess it was the impression that Rod Steiger's performance made on me when I saw "Al Capone" as a teenager. That was also the same era that the TV series, "The Untouchables" was in its heyday. Made a big impression on an impressionable teenage mind.
Posted By: goodfellaoggie

Re: all in the family - 07/25/03 08:31 AM

geat story Turnbull.

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