
The true existance of Don Corleone....

Posted By: Researcher

The true existance of Don Corleone.... - 06/26/03 07:13 PM

Here's one for you guys to think about...I had a bit of trouble correctly placing this post, but I thought, it comes closes to Real organised crime . Here goes.
Many people believe that, because the universe is infinite, there are endless sequences of possibilities, thus resulting in every POSSIBLE scenario existing somewhere. It's a bit hard to grasp, so if you don't get it, look at it this way: If you were to roll a dice 10 times, technically, you could get no 6's, or no 5's. But if you rolled it an infinite number of times, you would get every number, and every possible sequence of numbers, at some stage, e.g. 112225556664443 or something would crop up.

So if you look at things like that, somewhere, in the universe, there is a Don corleone, and the Corleone families do exist, exactly according to puzo's story....and they would also exist in a slightly different scenario, mabe this time, Johnny Fontane has a different hairstyle....
I personally don't believe in the above theory, but loads of people do, and it does make very good sense...if it were the case, then at some point, in one of the planets out there, Giuliano would not have been killed....
Weird isn't it?
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: The true existance of Don Corleone.... - 06/26/03 08:11 PM

There was a Corleone Family mafia in Sicily. But they were different from average mafias, they were ruthless and ten times more violent. They bombed places and took nni mercy like some mafias did.
Posted By: Chancre

Re: The true existance of Don Corleone.... - 06/26/03 09:35 PM

So, somewhere in an alternate universe, DiCrapio is getting his ass beat by gypsies? I can appreciate a theory like this. Works for me.
Posted By: Family Honour

Re: The true existance of Don Corleone.... - 06/26/03 10:33 PM

I like the 'infinate universe, infinate reality' theory very much

In some far flung alternate existance I am married to Bruce Springsteen, and you Researcher, are the Boss of Bosses in alternate Surry

Posted By: Researcher

Re: The true existance of Don Corleone.... - 06/26/03 10:39 PM

You know, FH, I quite like that idea...If only I could visit myself there...however that's meant to work, I've never had to visit myself before.... Yeah I'd have direct control over the Monday Market and tramps selling Big Issues. Whereabouts are you FH in the UK? Somewhere Bruce Springsteen would happen to live in...?
Posted By: Family Honour

Re: The true existance of Don Corleone.... - 06/26/03 10:53 PM

Researcher...allow my imagination to run wild a minute what if......you visited 'yourself' (evil mafia bad ass self) in another reality, your bad self didnt want any competiton, saw you as a threat (a good you)....you could end up getting whacked by your alternate ego self Sorry.. haha


Me and Bruce are living happily in the Lake District
Posted By: Researcher

Re: The true existance of Don Corleone.... - 06/26/03 11:10 PM

Well if he held a gun to my head, I guess I'd have to strike up the only possible life-saving catchphrase...

"Houssam...I am your father."
To which he'd reply..."Yes, yeah, I did notice a likeness, now you come to mention it...Care for a cuppa?"

Or I'd whack him first, then live in the Alter-Surrey, and control a monopoly of the plastic cutlery industry.

Lake Dsitrict eh? Any good up there? Never been myself.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: The true existance of Don Corleone.... - 06/27/03 02:59 AM

Maybe in order to do this we all have to trip out on LSD?
Posted By: Silvia Lombardi

Re: The true existance of Don Corleone.... - 07/03/03 11:29 PM

Originally posted by Researcher:
So if you look at things like that, somewhere, in the universe, there is a Don corleone, and the Corleone families do exist...

I personally don't believe in the above theory,
It's not a theory, it's called history...
read any history book about Sicilian mafia.

Puzo was a very good historian... there's a solid base behind everything he wrote
Posted By: Researcher

Re: The true existance of Don Corleone.... - 07/04/03 09:27 AM

Yeah, but he based his story on various real-life Dons...There wasn't really a Don Corleone, after all, at least, not like the character in The Godfather.
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