
Anyone have any real mafia stories?

Posted By: Salvatore Tessio

Anyone have any real mafia stories? - 04/01/03 10:13 PM

Does anyone here have any mob stories? No names here, please.

There was this one story I heard where uncle got punched out by a mobster's son. My friend contacted his friend, a capo in the Gambino family under the rule of Carlo Gambino, and sat this kids father down and made him pay all the medical bills. He never bothered my uncle again.

And near where I grew up in Brooklyn, a story happened where a thug stole a diamond crown from a church. As soon as this happened, the priest of the church contacted Joe Valachi. (Valachi actually had his face painted on the ceiling of the church.) So Valachi put word on the street that whoever stole the crown must give it back. It was immediately returned with only a few diamonds missing. Valachi wasnt quite satisfied. He strangled the thug with rosary beads.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Anyone have any real mafia stories? - 04/02/03 05:26 AM

My grandfather on my father's side was a truckdriver in the Mafia-dominated Fulton Fish Market. He knew a lot of gangsters. He also bred Pomeranian dogs, which became a fad of some gangsters during Prohibition. My father told me that one day, a patented movie-type gangster (black coat, pearl-gray fedora, bulges under coat) came to their home to buy a dog. He and my grandfather had a couple of drinks, and my grandfather introduced him to my father, who was a kid, but impressionable. The following week, my father was reading the Daily News--and there was that same gangster's photo, only this time he was dead of gunshot wounds.
Posted By: SC

Re: Anyone have any real mafia stories? - 04/02/03 06:31 AM

Originally posted by Salvatore Tessio:
And near where I grew up in Brooklyn, a story happened where a thug stole a diamond crown from a church. As soon as this happened, the priest of the church contacted Joe Valachi.
Do you mean Joe Profaci??
Posted By: SanAlfo

Re: Anyone have any real mafia stories? - 04/02/03 06:02 PM

I had an uncle that was killed by the Mafia because he was going to take his kid back to Italy.
Posted By: Salvatore Tessio

Re: Anyone have any real mafia stories? - 04/02/03 09:30 PM

Shit SC...your right, it is Profaci

Nice story Turnbull
Posted By: TonyZarelli

Re: Anyone have any real mafia stories? - 04/05/03 07:09 AM

My dad, who is the boss of T. Glennon Inc., which repairs train tracks in Pen., N.Y. and New Jersey was once asked by Peter Gotti to fix a track for him, but my dad declined.

In Tewksbury, Hunterdon County, a neighbor of my friend was killed by the mafia three years ago. They didn't know the guy.
Posted By: Lisabella

Re: Anyone have any real mafia stories? - 04/05/03 11:47 AM

We know a woman who married into an Italian mafia family. They lived in Florida at the time. I don't know if any one's ever heard about them doing this before, but down there they mark their women. Whenever they get married they have them put a permanent little black dot right by their hairline. It ends up looking something like a mole or something. Any one ever heard of them doing this before????

Anyway, the woman eventually wanted out of the family. Her husband let her leave but she had to sign over all rights to her children to him. He promissed them a good life and everything. So she did it and then moved to Indiana. It's been a big family secret for years. Most of her family doesn't even realize she has other kids.
Posted By: Don_Miconi

Re: Anyone have any real mafia stories? - 04/05/03 09:42 PM

My great Grandpa fixed cars for the mafia I don't know which one it was
Posted By: neatd99

Re: Anyone have any real mafia stories? - 04/06/03 04:37 AM

2 things.....

My mother's friend's ex-husband was one of the many unfortunate bastards that were whacked by Nicky Scarfo back in the 80's.

Awhile ago, when the Testa Family was still in control of Philly, Sal Testa owned many restaurants in the heart of Philadelphia. Not only was he the "restaurant type" of guy, but he laundered loads of cash through them. My dad knew this, and he would eat lunch at Sal's places because he could get Veal for $2 which should of cost much much more. It didn't matter to the Testas since even if my dad payed $2, they made a profit of $10 (The pluses of money laundering). My dad would literally call them up and ask for their special of the day, lol. Then when they said it cost $20, he would say "how about $2?" and they would say "okay." It didn't matter to them.

So, anyway, one day my dad was eating lunch with some of his friends and as they were finishing, the waitress came by with some rolls for my dad and a friend. Anyway, one of my dad's friends who was rather fat asked the waitress, "What? No Rolls for me? I want some rolls too!"

The waitress replied with, "No, your too fat."

My dad's friend got very pissed, and called the waitress an Italian bitch. Wrong move in a place like that.

The waitress picked up a butter knife and started swinging it around, and then called, "Yo Sally, this guy is threatning me!"

Then, 4 wiseguys come running over from the bar, my dad and his friends tried to warn the fat friend that this wasn't the place, but it was too late. The 4 mobsters, picked up my dad's fat friend (who weighed at least 320 lbs) and threw him out the door.

Then, of course, my dad and his friends that remained at the table apologized not only for the fat friend's behavior, but for bringing him there. You don't just apologize for someone else's faults in a place like that, you put some blame on yourself.
Posted By: John Petosa

Re: Anyone have any real mafia stories? - 04/24/03 07:15 PM

I know this guy John "The Bus Driver" who was born in the 1920s. When he was a young teenage kid around 13 or 14 years old he was running numbers for this guy Baldy in Brooklyn.

Because of Baldy John started meeting a lot of people, and he ended being good friends with John Gotti and his whole crew. He knew John and Peter both, he knew a lot of people.

He also witnessed a lot of crazy stuff ... John has a lot of stories, I can talk with John for hours about this stuff.
Posted By: DonEthereal_313

Re: Anyone have any real mafia stories? - 04/24/03 07:27 PM

Around tha' time of tha' Hoffa kidnappin', they were workin' on an interstate up here (Detroit). My moms says a day after Hoffa "dissappeared", one section of concrete was layed. They never layed another section 'till one year later. This was in July. Why would they lay concrete in tha' beginning of summer, then wait one year to do anything else? A lil' fishy, eh?

Posted By: Jonahfalls

Re: Anyone have any real mafia stories? - 04/25/03 07:35 AM

When i was in Yr 10 i worked for 2 months sweet talking a girl into betraying her best friend (a guy who was one of those annoying, i'll call you a name then run to the teacher types), she asked him to go to the Movies, then after them, lured him around the back into a alley, where me and my friend were waiting, i still have the scares on my knuckles. Doesn't sound that great but at the time i felt like it was perfect
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Anyone have any real mafia stories? - 04/25/03 02:05 PM

What the hell does that have to do with the Mafia Jonahfalls? That's just rediculous violence.

However the other stories are quite cool. Ethereal, there's many perspective stories about Hoffa but yours is probably closer to the bone. Most people claim he's buried in concrete. Yes, very very fishy and something we'll probably never know.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Anyone have any real mafia stories? - 04/25/03 10:33 PM

Some people think Hoffa was whacked by fellow Teamsters because he was attempting a comeback. President Nixon pardoned Hoffa as a gesture to the Teamsters to win their support for his re-election. But a condition of the pardon was that Hoffa not be involved in any more Teamsters business. Frank Fitzsimmons, the then-Teamsters boss, was the beneficiary.
Posted By: joltinjoe05

Re: Anyone have any real mafia stories? - 04/26/03 02:11 PM

Nice idea, Sal Tessio.

Unfortunetly, I have never experienced anything dealing with the Mafia. But all your stories were cool.
Posted By: RosarioAlaia

Re: Anyone have any real mafia stories? - 04/28/03 03:07 AM

I'd tell you but I'd have to kill you.
Posted By: Zasa

Re: Anyone have any real mafia stories? - 04/29/03 02:26 AM

My cousin's girlfriend's sister's boyfriend (no joke, thats the chain) has a dad who ran a night club in Kansas City. One day this boyfriend walked into the back office of the club, only to see a sweaty father conversing with two burly looking guys. They told him to scram. But ignorant boyfriend tried to stick up for his dad. The two men promptly threw him out of the building. A few days later, everything had seemed to cool down, the club ran as normal and the dad straightened things out. But one day, the boyfriend was in the car with my cousin's girlfriend's sister, and it wouldnt start. When they popped the hood, turned out a pretty big halibut was lodged in the engine.

true story.
Posted By: Don Ellroy

Re: Anyone have any real mafia stories? - 05/01/03 10:04 AM

My brothers freinds uncle is apparentley a Boss over in Sicily,and another one of his freinds reletivs was a big time New York gangster but is now retied.This isn't stuff my bro is smart enough to make up.
Posted By: DonEthereal_313

Re: Anyone have any real mafia stories? - 05/12/03 06:34 PM

Just recently I went to the Holocaust museum in Bloomfield Hills. My friend and I were walking to a different area, and I asked the stupid question "Where does this lead?" He replied with "This is were they gas us" Out of no where, two HUGE guys in black suits pick my friend (who weighs 175) up by his arms and carries him away. He came back 10 minutes later, scared s**tless, saying they told him stuff like "Say that again and it might happen." etc., etc. Maybe not a Jewish mafia experience, but pretty close...


BTW - No offense to any Jewish members, my friend is an idiot
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