
would you...

Posted By: Boss_of_bosses

would you... - 02/23/03 08:31 PM

Break the Omerta? I mean if you were a Mob member indicted on any serious charges against ya and were to spend a maximum number of years in jail (whether it be 30 year to life) would ya break the Omerta to decrease the punishment that you earned? Or would you keep ya mouth shut and face your sentence knowing that Breaking the "Code of silence" would forever make you a marked guy for death (until your eliminated)?

By the way the Mob finds ways of penetrating witness protection program.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: would you... - 02/23/03 08:55 PM

interesting question B_o_B!
it would depend, really, on how long i'd been a Family member. if i had been born into the Family and my father had been in the Family before me, then i would have formed a close and trusting bond with my seniors and peers. if, however, i had only recently become a member and had a serious cause for ratting, (like a rival i'd like to see go down) then i possibly would.

Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: would you... - 02/24/03 06:44 AM

Very interesting. I honestly can't say. There would have to be a lot of determining factors..
ex: Do I have kids? How long in jail? What did I get caught doing...ect.

Very interesting though.

The Don Ferro
Posted By: Black Gotti

Re: would you... - 02/24/03 08:18 PM

Jail is not the only option. Everyone has a price. Including the judge or the District Attorney. If your rank is high enough you may have to borrow/spend a few million.

Plan B is always evasion. Buy a villa in Mexico or a house with 20 rooms in Jamaica. Canada has some lovely properties or you can always go across the water. But you gotta be smart. If the Feds have a case. Make Bail and get outta here.

Or bite the bullet, do your time. Keep your fingers in petty hustles to feed your family. Set up a crew and run the prison.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: would you... - 02/24/03 11:31 PM

Black Gotti - to me you really sound like a resurected John Gotti. It's uncanny, am I the only one who believes this?
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: would you... - 02/24/03 11:40 PM

Maybe the "Teflon Don" isn't dead after all....
Posted By: TheMadman

Re: would you... - 02/26/03 03:24 AM

Fuck no! You make a promise you keep it! You never rat anyone out. And anyone that does, deserves to die big time.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: would you... - 02/26/03 03:29 AM

Originally posted by TheMadman:
Fuck no! You make a promise you keep it! You never rat anyone out. And anyone that does, deserves to die big time.
I don't think so, if my future was at stake, I would break omerta. I would never support a bunch of degenerites who kill ppl. I'd go Donnie Brasco on their asses.
Posted By: TheMadman

Re: would you... - 02/26/03 03:34 AM

[/qb][/QUOTE]I don't think so, if my future was at stake, I would break omerta. I would never support a bunch of degenerites who kill ppl. I'd go Donnie Brasco on their asses. [/QB][/QUOTE]

Well that is sad. Why be in the Mafia in the first place if you dont think about what your getting into. You know its a rule that you dont break omerta before joining, so why do it to get yourself out. That is being a pussy and a liar.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: would you... - 02/26/03 03:37 AM

No, the pussy and lier would be the Don, having m,ostly inocent ppl murdered for his own wealth. Advocating evil is being a pussy and lier.
Posted By: Boss_of_bosses

Re: would you... - 03/01/03 03:34 AM

Actually a Don has mostly Rivals killed then innocents
Posted By: DonLauren

Re: would you... - 03/22/03 06:25 AM

if one were to break Omerta, they would be doomed. it's a damned if you do damned if you dont situation. but, depending on how much of a part i played to get me in jail. if i were higher up in a family i would never break Omerta. Actuall, now that i think about it, i could NEVER brEAK oMERTA, CASE CLOSED!
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