
Would you be a "good" mobster?

Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Would you be a "good" mobster? - 01/26/03 01:36 AM

i'm curious as to whether or not people on here consider themselves worthy of the position as head of a Family? i honestly think that if i'd been brought up to know killing as the norm and was nurtured in the mafia ways of life, then i could be a pretty effective don. here are my reasons:

1) i generally don't trust a lot of people in real life, no matter how genuine a friend they seem; still being in school, i wouldn't consider many people as friends--more of acquintances until i leave school and move on!

2) i can be very ruthless when needed! i strongly believe in not standing for any crap or being talked down to, no matter how senior the person talking down to me is. i also believe in not letting people get away with anything, and if i must serve revenge cold, then so be it!

3) i consider myself as a relatively good manipulator of people when it comes to keeping my "enemies closer than my friends--sorry, i meant acquintances! )" i can talk my way out of a confrontation.

BUT, there would be some major flaws in my ability to lead a crime Family. i do have a tendency to not let anyone do a job that i feel responsible for, and thus probably couldn't let a capo or soldato do my dirtywork--which would either get me a reputation as face-to-face, respected guy or get me wound up in a casket! also, i do seem to have a somewhat short fuse--like that of santino corleone, only a lot milder--which could also get me killed. because of this mini-temper, i tend not to think things through properly, and as a result get myself in a bigger mess than before my tantrum.

so, would you guys (and gals!) consider yourself as a person with attributes fit for being a Don of a mafia Family? what are your strengths, and what are your weaknesses?

Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Would you be a "good" mobster? - 01/26/03 01:53 AM

I guess i could make a good one.

1) I don't trust anyone i don't know very well. (so i dont get secretly wacked)

2) I am bold.

3) i am strong.

4) i am a good driver.

5) i am loyal (omerta)
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Would you be a "good" mobster? - 01/26/03 02:09 AM

actually, if you want to be perfect, it's omertá! (acute accent on the a, like this: á !

do you mean strong physically or mentally?

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Would you be a "good" mobster? - 01/26/03 03:17 AM

Well I know even in today's world the mafia wouldn't "hire' a woman. cause I'd feel sorry for him, and probably end up getting "whacked" myself.

On second thought, no, I don't think I'd quite make it.

Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Would you be a "good" mobster? - 01/26/03 03:37 AM

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
actually, if you want to be perfect, it's omertá! (acute accent on the a, like this: [b]á !

do you mean strong physically or mentally?

i dunno how to make the accent mark when typing. And both physically and mentally strong
Posted By: Predator1

Re: Would you be a "good" mobster? - 01/26/03 03:36 PM

I would be a good one, i never trust people.
I am also quite bossy, and like to take control.
But i wouldnt like to be one, i am too hotheaded, and prefer to be summat like a capo or underboss, least u have sum1 u can trust then.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Would you be a "good" mobster? - 01/26/03 03:59 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
Well I know even in today's world the mafia wouldn't "hire' a woman. For obvious reasons they wouldn't use me as to "muscle" or to "strongarm" anyone.

Sure they'd recruit you - in Napoli. The Camorra could do with a woman of your caliber. They are dangerous down there.
Posted By: Thin Clemenza

Re: Would you be a "good" mobster? - 01/28/03 10:10 PM

Naw, I'm too soft. I dont like killing, but if i was brought up differently maybe.
Posted By: CamillusDon

Re: Would you be a "good" mobster? - 01/29/03 06:53 PM

I got news for you....and I am not picking on anyone....

I can't help to think that the only family some of you would be heading is the old title:

"The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Stright"

Then again there are many members of gang families that are not very smart and that is why they are crooks, and the leaders of these crews are even dumber. To pull some of the dumb crap they do or should I say try to do. So maybe some of the folks here on the boards would make great ones.

The smart ones stay out of the lime light and you never hear about them. They run their areas like a business and work things out like a good business owner would.... Blood costs money!

It takes a sharp mind, not big balls to stay out of jail and alive in the real world...something I don't think some of the people on this board have.
Posted By: Luca Brasi

Re: Would you be a "good" mobster? - 01/29/03 08:54 PM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
I guess i could make a good one.

1) I don't trust anyone i don't know very well. (so i dont get secretly wacked)

One of the first things you learn in the mafia DV is they send your best friend to whack you.
Posted By: pacino princess

Re: Would you be a "good" mobster? - 01/29/03 11:05 PM

Nope. I would not make a good mobster. Cause mobsters are NOT good. Mobsters are not Vito or even Michael, they are much much lower than we'd like to think. We like the ROMANTIC version of the mafia but in real life I dont think anybody could do it. You have to be a real careless, ruthless SOMEbody. Meaning you have to be able to bash somebody's skull in at dinner like Al Capone. It takes a certain psycological capacity. One i dont have. Other than that i like the suits. I dont mind a Prada suit.
(Good question though, CAPO)
Posted By: intelligence

Re: Would you be a "good" mobster? - 02/01/03 09:00 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
[QB]Well I know even in today's world the mafia wouldn't "hire' a woman.

c'mon TIS if you are as wise and intelligent as you sound im sure any mafia would be proud to hav you on their side i no i would

Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Would you be a "good" mobster? - 02/01/03 11:31 PM

In some respects I would. I don't trust anyone even close friends, hell I don't even trust certain family members. I am also good at keeping my enemies closer than my friends. I can also be completely ruthless.

But then one thing that would definately stop me is my bad temper. It could even be worse than sonny's legendary temper.
Posted By: Another fan

Re: Would you be a "good" mobster? - 02/03/03 08:26 PM

We would be at war all the time. I am not good at compromise; I am quick tempered; hold a grudge; if I don't like you the within a few minutes of meeting you I wouldn't give you a second chance.

My daughter refers to me as "Mommy Dearest"

My husband refers to me as "yes dear, you are right."

I basically am a female Sonny.
Posted By: scarface_denver

Re: Would you be a "good" mobster? - 02/11/03 06:07 AM

women are more ruthless when i all comes down to it thats for sure.....
Posted By: Thin Clemenza

Re: Would you be a "good" mobster? - 02/11/03 10:16 PM

Well... I can get along with people and am very friendly to my enemies, and very loyal. I can keep a secret, and I do have a temper, but not so much I would get all my men killed in a vendetta.
I am a little too trusting, though... I actually trusted Michael for 30 seconds when he said he wouldnt kill Carlo.. but in real life, 30 seconds would be too long!
Posted By: bogey

Re: Would you be a "good" mobster? - 02/11/03 11:55 PM

well, i think that i would make a pretty good mobster.. but as TIS already stated, i doubt they'd let me (a girl) in. for the past 3 years i've been reading nothing but mob-related books. i can't get enough of 'em!
-i'm strong. (stronger than other girls my age who are afraid they'd break a nail)
-i'm smart.
-i have the desire.

but also i have a "hot-italian temper", as my friends like to call it... haha..

not meaning to get off the subject, but my grandmother was telling me that there is a movie about how the women took over the mob.. anyone know the name?

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Would you be a "good" mobster? - 02/12/03 02:00 AM


I know there have been a couple female "mob" movies, both on tv, that I know of. Although I can't tell you the titles because I don't remember. I know Vanessa Redgrave was in one and Susan Lucci in another. I don't know if you'd say they "took over" the mob, but they were stories of mob women.

Neither were bad movies, but as a woman, as fun as it is seeing woman "kick ass" , it's not real believeable. It nice entertainment and it's fun tho. If I think of the names of these I'll let you know. Or perhaps someone else will know.

Posted By: Black Gotti

Re: Would you be a "good" mobster? - 02/14/03 09:29 PM

Me a good Mobster???? No f*ckin' doubt. I'm the Teflon Don, Remember??

Let me tell ya why.....

1. I'm Ruthless. I gives a f*uck. I will shut down an entire city if push comes to shove. If it really gets wicked, I'll put two shots in your rib (Wifey), then put two shots in the baby crib. Ruthless, Son.

2. I'm Smart. I know how to wash money cleaner than laundrymats. I can stucture and put together a deal on paper that could leave the average man penniless and homeless. Oh yeah, I know a few ladies that work in the posting department of a bank. I got schemes you couldn't even begin to understand...

3. I got Mouthpiece. I can charm the skin from a snake or a pea from a pod. *wink* An offer you can't refuse....

4. I respect the Game. I know my position and play it well and EVERY soldier up under me, will do the same. Or off wit' his f*uckin' head!

....I got some flaws too. I love the spotlight. Being a star is addictive and a little foolish.

I enjoy wearing hand made tailored suits, with the tilted brim. Ahhhh, the finest fabrics ever made.

I got a soft spot for Busty women. I'ma BREAST MAN. Love the strip clubs and the massage parlors. Enemies know exactly how to come at me......Send a top heavy lady my way.......get me butt assed naked and f*uckin' in a hotel.....then they kick down the door wit' Uzi's and Ruger's blazing.....But remember, I'm Teflon, Playa.....Lay em all flat (The B*tch too) wit the Glock. No safety.
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