
favourite crime family

Posted By: Pherdy

favourite crime family - 10/13/02 01:47 PM

which of the following is your favorite syndicat Family/Family-history?

the Gambino-story? Colombo? Lucchese? Genovese? or Bonnano?

and which leaders' reign do you like most?
Posted By: Goodfella 69

Re: favourite crime family - 10/13/02 07:34 PM

Genovese...with Lucky Luciano in power.
Posted By: BronxKing

Re: favourite crime family - 10/13/02 09:30 PM


Washington family
that took over British family territories

Jefferson Family
who although the Constitution made no provision for the acquisition of new land,suppressed his qualms over constitutionality when he had the opportunity to acquire the Louisiana Territory from "Little Man" Napoleon's gang who stole smaller less organized Native families' territories.

The Kidnapper Family
(The Don's were)
Worked between Africa and US bringing workers who weren't paid
Thomas Jefferson (1801-09)
James Madison (1809-17)
James Monroe (1817-25)
John Quincy Adams (1825-29)
Andrew Jackson (1829-37)
Martin Van Buren (1837-41)
William Henry Harrison (1841)
John Tyler (1841-45)
James Polk (1845-49)
Zachary Taylor (1849-50)

Carpetbagger Family
(Dedicated to my friend Snake)
Brutally killed, empoverished and left destitute The Southern Families in their weakest moments. Very tricky, slick mobsters thought to be "good Samaritans" really opportunistic scum. The real cause of The Southern Families Hostilities even more than the Lincolnio War between the Northern and Southern Families.

Not to mention:
Bootleg Kennedys
The Robbing Rothchilds and Rockefellers
The "Tricky Dicky" Nixon gang

and many many others
most of whom were members of the "The Commission" otherwise known as The Masons.

This is just a small joke because to study American History is to study Organized Crime.

Think about it.
Posted By: Pherdy

Re: favourite crime family - 10/14/02 07:53 PM

I thought I posted my own opinion too, but hey..

I'd choose Gambino, because all of it's leaders got their top positions by killing the former one (except for Castellano, who had to wait for his Don to die).

The Castellano reign to me is the most interesting, not because the guy himself was so cool, but more because he control and at the same time was threatened by two dangerous crews, the Roy DeMeo crew and the John Gotti. Old Paul Castellano managed to get rid of DeMeo just in time, but after Neil Dellacrocce (the underboss) dying there was no stopping John Gotti. Gotti made his bones in the Castellano era (maybe even earlier) but sure didn't when he was the leader himself. The Castellano period I like most, but not for the leader.

My favorite leader is Luciano too, for setting up both Masseria as Maranzano, two rival kings. Brilliant!

I loved your joke btw BronxKing
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: favourite crime family - 10/15/02 12:29 AM

My favorite families are the Genovese and the Gambino. Favorite leader's got to be Charles "Lucky" Luciano.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: favourite crime family - 10/15/02 01:54 AM

Not being an authority on any of these families. I would be interested in and watch a movie on any of them. Gambino, Colombo, Genovese. I don't know. Which of these has had to most "interesting" life? Or which story would translate best to film. I just wish they would make another "big" gangster film.

Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: favourite crime family - 10/15/02 09:40 AM

Bonannos. They've had it tough after being expelled from the commission after too many drug dealings and undercover cops ruining La Cosa Nostra. They're back on the commission now after a little help from Gotti. Easily Gotti's way of controlling another commission vote though. But still after all these problems i've never heard about any Bonanno member ratting anyone out. As far as I know aswel, Massimo is still free.
Posted By: Escobar

Re: favourite crime family - 10/20/02 09:42 PM

I'd have to say the Genovese under Charles Luciano, and the Bonanno under Joe Bonanno.

"You're not got wanna hear this Sonny, but if your father dies, you make the deal..."-Hagen
Posted By: Escobar

Re: favourite crime family - 10/20/02 09:43 PM

I'd have to say the Genovese under Charles Luciano, and the Bonanno under Joe Bonanno.

"You're not gonna wanna hear this Sonny, but if your father dies, you make the deal..."-Hagen
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: favourite crime family - 10/21/02 02:44 PM

If by "favourite" you mean "most influential," I'd go with the Luciano organization:
Charlie Luciano broke the power of the "moustache Petes" by eliminating Joe Masseria and Salvatore Maranzano. Though born in Sicily, he was thoroughy modern and American. He formed the Commission as a way of cartelizing underworld activities, and welcomed non-Italians, such as Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegel and Longie Zwillman, for what they could bring to the table. Although he stupidly pursued prostitution and drugs (thus setting himself up for bust-and-exile), he had the good sense to appoint Frank Costello as his successor.
Costello (the model for Vito Corleone, imhop) understood the power of political connections, and created a vast network of politicians beholden to him and his associates--he was the guy who "had all the judges in NY." He also continued the alliance with Lansky, and was the only Mafioso to be a partner in an international gambling network that was mostly legit.
Finally, Vincent (the Chin) Gigante, the current family head, distinguished himself by being the only contemporary Mob boss to escape RICO and/or ratting out the other guys. True, he did it by humiliating himself through his non compos mentis act, but at least his family had some continuity in leadership, and stayed relatively strong vs. the other families, which had revolving-door "leadership" and internal strife.
Posted By: BronxKing

Re: favourite crime family - 10/21/02 11:41 PM

[img]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:fPux9lBCXlEC:cuisung.unige.ch/gif/crown.gif[/img] Mr.Turnbull, this group of members may verbally castigate me for holding you in such shamelessly open high regard but buddy, you da man, you da man!!!
Posted By: scarface_denver

Re: favourite crime family - 10/22/02 08:33 PM

Smaldones are my fav.....
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