
Who's most popular "Mafia" Figure?

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Who's most popular "Mafia" Figure? - 06/21/02 12:46 AM

Turnbull, (or anyone else who knows)

Perhaps you'll know since this, since you seem to be so knowledgeable on real-life "organized crime,and so eloquently explained
"racketeering": Since Gotti's death, who, if any, do you think is the most popular/dangerous "mafioso", or was Gotti the last of the Dons???

Also, I know Sammy, "The Bull", Gravano was a "rat", but he really seems hated by everyone, even this board, Why??? Where is he now?
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Who's most popular "Mafia" Figure? - 06/21/02 01:00 AM

Molto grazie, Annt!
To my knowledge or consciousness, no current Mob boss has anything close to Gotti's charisma. In fact, with all the squealers and RICO-convicts, it's hard to tell who's in charge of any Mob family these days, except for Vincent (The Chin) Gigante--and that's only because he managed to avoid jail for a long time by playing the fool and pretending he was non compos mentis. . Part of Gotti's public appeal was that his persona ran against the tide of anonymous bosses. He never stopped talking, posing, living the most public life of any Don since Capone or Columbo. Look where it got him!
People hate Gravano because he squealed to save himself and got an ultra-sweet deal: he served less than five years after admitting to 19 murders, including those of relatives and close friends. Plus, he ratted out Gotti. Say what you want about the Dapper Don (whom I regarded as dumb as a bag of hammers), he was a popular figure. Gravano was in the Witness Protection Program, left it to co-author an autobiography, was pinched last year in Arizona in a big-time Ecstacy racket with members of his family, and has apparently pleaded guilty and is awaiting sentencing (if he hasn't been sentenced already). Once a bum, always a bum.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Who's most popular "Mafia" Figure? - 06/21/02 01:13 AM


Re: Sammy Gravano - Isn't he afraid of retaliation? You would think, after killing all those people and squealing, someone, somewhere would get to him??? I'm surprised he is still around. Unless, of course, there is no one left to retaliate. I swear I saw him on a tv inteview a couple years ago (is that possible)? I'm surprised he showed his face??????
Posted By: Snake

Re: Who's most popular "Mafia" Figure? - 06/21/02 02:10 AM

I know you directed this to Turnbull, annt, and God knows he's more knowledgable about OC stuff than me. But here's my 2 cents anyhow...I figure no one wants the heat it would bring. Just before Gotti's death, there was something like 17 indicments handed down against Gambino members and associates. And now, with Gotti dead, you can bet your bottom dollar that the Feds are all eyes and ears to see what's gonna happen next. The damage Gravano inflicted is done, and I'll bet even those who would love to put him in his grave for it are thinking twice. It would be almost suicide (legally-speaking) to move against the Bull now. I don't know, but I imagine there's still some kind of contract on him. But that's probably best answered by Turnbull or one of our other comrades.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Who's most popular "Mafia" Figure? - 06/21/02 02:19 AM

Somewhat off the subject, but still possibly mob related. I never really did get the whole story, but found it really interesting: Do you think the mob got Jimmy Hoffa!!! I was very young and don't really remember the story, but it was said that the mob got him. . I also remember hearing years later, that the mob successfully got him and got rid of his body (which of course they never found), by putting it thru a grinder (???) or something of the sort??

I wonder who the notable Don's were back then, (late 50's I think)
I'm sure the many of you know what I'm talking about, unless of course you are all "youngsters" in which case, I might as well just enter the home now and fuggetaboutit!!!!!
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Who's most popular "Mafia" Figure? - 06/21/02 05:09 AM

Snake's right on the money as usual, annt--Gravano is too hot to kill. And, you're right: you did see him on TV a couple of years ago. Shows you the brainpower we're dealing with here. I bet that part of his plea in the ecstasy case is that he gets some kind of protective custody.
As for Hoffa: The Detroit News had a good story about him and his disappearance last year. Here's the link:
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Who's most popular "Mafia" Figure? - 06/21/02 05:24 AM

Thanks for the info Turnbull! The article on Hoffa was very very interesting! (I was way off on the year this all happened though!) I am kind of familiar with Detroit (originally from Michigan) and knew some of the streets they mentioned in the article. Wouldn't that be a major Headline if this case was solved. Hey, they could probably make a good movie out of it once it is solved.

Anyway, thanks again! I appreciate your input and knowledge.
Posted By: MobbingForMoney

Re: Who's most popular "Mafia" Figure? - 06/21/02 07:32 AM

Originally posted by annt:
Hey, they could probably make a good movie out of it once it is solved.

You could always watch Hoffa with Jack Nicholson and Danny DeVito,who also directs it.The movie seems to have a view point on what happens to Hoffa.
Posted By: CharlieLucifer

Re: Who's most popular "Mafia" Figure? - 06/21/02 07:55 AM

I heard that Gravano got facial reconstructive surgery... and actually went on TV to show the nation... what an imbecile!

I also heard somewhere that there is a bounty on his head... kinda like the one on Joe Pistone...

Then again... they say you should believe nothing of what you hear, and half of what you see.

Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Who's most popular "Mafia" Figure? - 06/23/02 09:51 PM

I once heard a qoute of Gravanos that when asked if he was worried or needed to watch out for life attempts on him after his testimonies, he simply replied "They better be good". Make what you want of it. I kind of believe him though.

I am defintaly no Gravano hater. Infact quite the opposite. He was a very smart mob guy until he left the Witness Protection program. If people understood the whole deal between Gotti and Gravanos ratting I think less would hate Gravano. Gotti was already setting up Gravano well before the Bull even thought about ratting his boss out. It was only until government tapes of Gotti, played back to Gravano, led to his "betrayel". After Witness Protection program Sammy turned into a small time version of Gotti and ruined his second chance at a "normal" life. He deserves to die in prison now, just like Gotti did.
Posted By: Kakingo

Re: Who's most popular "Mafia" Figure? - 06/23/02 10:55 PM

I dont think Gotti was plotting to have Gravano whacked he was just venting some steam off about Gravano and the construction business Sammy is a rat simple as that
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Who's most popular "Mafia" Figure? - 06/24/02 11:01 AM

I never said Gotti was planning on having Gravano whacked. I said he was setting him up. The tapes played back to Gravano had Gotti laying the blame on alot more murders towards Gravano.
Posted By: Ricardo

Re: Who's most popular "Mafia" Figure? - 06/24/02 08:00 PM

ANYWAY, I just noticed Turi Giuliano has 1800 + Posts, go Turi!

I'd say Vic Orena is the most popular living active Mafioso. Was he jailed recently?

I know Junior Gotti, and the other Gambino/Gottis were jailed last month!

Gravano probably DOES have a price on his head.

Pistone's was $275,000 in 1983 (According to Castellano)
Posted By: CharlieLucifer

Re: Who's most popular "Mafia" Figure? - 06/25/02 06:16 PM

According to the end of Donnie Brasco the bounty has been upped to $500,000.

And to answer the original question of this topic...

I think Capone is the most "popular" mafia figure... if you ask any common idiot about "who's the coolest gangster?" they'll say Capone...

See... the thing about Gotti and Capone is that... they aren't really all that organized were they? They were public... they were begging to be arrested in my opinion.

Posted By: Fanucci

Re: Who's most popular "Mafia" Figure? - 06/26/02 01:06 AM

Everyone knows Gravano's name but he doesn't count since he is no longer a family member. Since the recent deaths of Gotti and Joe Bonanno, I would say Vincent Chin Gigante is the most recognizable living name in the mob today. As far as I know he's still boss of the most powerful mob family. He's one of the last living links to the old time mob. It was Chin who shot Frank Costello which convinced Frank to retire. Gigante is a big believer in keeping a low profile which is one of the reasons he hated Gotti and tried to whack him. There are still lots of mafiosi out there and they are doing their best to avoid becoming household names. Unfortunately for them, public interest in the mafia, as a source of entertainment, seems to be at an all time high and the media knows that mob stuff sells big time. The NY Daily News actually went to the house of the latest candidate for Gambino boss to interview him about his possible promotion. He was very cordial but denied everything.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Who's most popular "Mafia" Figure? - 06/26/02 02:18 AM


Where does Gigante live (in what state I mean)? And are most of what's left of the mob in one particular area or are they throughout the states? How old is Gigante now? Just curious!!
Posted By: Guineapig

Re: Who's most popular "Mafia" Figure? - 06/26/02 03:38 AM

I'd go with Capone.Vince the Chin is def the man.But it's good that there aren't that many household names in a way that way LCN can stay alive.
Posted By: Fanucci

Re: Who's most popular "Mafia" Figure? - 06/26/02 11:41 PM

Originally posted by annt:

Where does Gigante live (in what state I mean)? And are most of what's left of the mob in one particular area or are they throughout the states? How old is Gigante now? Just curious!!
Right now Gigante lives in jail, before that he lived in Greenwich Village NYC, boss of the Genovese family. He's in his 70's. I would say the largest concentration of mobsters is in the NY, NJ, Philly area. I say that because most mob related arrests seem to be in this area. The families in other areas of the country must be evaporating or very good at keeping a low profile. We don't hear much about the Chicago outfit and absolutely nothing about the New Orleans and Tampa families anymore.
Posted By: Don Michel

Re: Who's most popular "Mafia" Figure? - 06/27/02 11:27 PM

Absolutly the Sicilian bosses who've founded the Cupola. Further i like the toughness of Salvatore "Toto" Riina and Bernardo Provenzano.

I don't know that much about the American Mafia AKA The Mob, but i think that Lucky Luciano will make a good change, because he is a Sicilian
Posted By: TheIrishDon

Re: Who's most popular "Mafia" Figure? - 06/28/02 02:39 AM

I thought Jimmy Hoffa dissappeard years ago??
Posted By: Machiavelli

Re: Who's most popular "Mafia" Figure? - 06/28/02 05:34 PM

The most popular mafia figure is Al Capone. He made Elliot Ness famous. The in recent years, John Gotti has been famous. Also famous for having one of the dumbest demise of all time.
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