
1919 World Series

Posted By: The Iceman

1919 World Series - 04/21/02 05:01 AM

I wasn't sure whether to post this in this forum, or the General Discussion forum. If it's in the wrong one, then please forgive me, I've been fighting a cold all day. After that then the DON can give orders to have me clipped. LOL

I've heard that Arnold Rothstein fixed the 1919 world series. I've also heard(from what I admit are IMHO more reliable sources) that he had nothing to do with fixing the 1919 world series. He just simply heard that a fix was in and took advantage of it.

So my question is does anyone here have any additional info, like Turnbull for example he seems to have a wealth of knowledge.
Posted By: Don Munoz

Re: 1919 World Series - 04/21/02 03:40 PM

The whole thing about Rothstein fixing the World Series is a myth. However Rothstein's name and reputation were all used to influence the players for Chicago to throw the game. Rothstein hearing about the fix, didn't interfere with it and let it happen. From what I've heard, a man named Abe Attel and some other gamblers actually fixed it. The only reason his name was associated with the WS is because the president of the American League said he was certain the Rothstein had an involvment with it.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: 1919 World Series - 04/21/02 03:51 PM

Great question, Iceman!
Rothstein didn't fix the 1919 World Series. The perception came about because he was widely regarded as America's premier gambling operator, therefore only he could have had the wherewithal to have "fixed" something as big as a World Series. The perception was fanned by Henry Ford, America's leading anti-Semite of the era, who used it to launch another tirade against Jews. The falsehood also was perpetuated by F. Scott Fitzgerald, who introduced a Rothstein-like character called Meyer Wolfsheim, "the man who fixed the 1919 World Series," in his famous novel, "The Great Gatsby."
Here is an account from Jenna Weissman Joselit's book on Jewish crime in NY, "Our Gang":
"Rothstein's expertise and fame as a gambler were so great that the mere mention of his name was enough to convince eight disgruntled members of the Chicago White Sox tp throw the 1919 World Series in return for a bonus of $100,000. Rothstein had been approached initially by agents of the ballplayers and asked to participate in the swindle, yet he refused; why we do not know. Undeterred, the professional gamblers masterminding the 'Black Sox' scandal pretended they were working on Rothstein's behalf and therefore succeeded in convincing the ballplayers to proceed with the scheme. Despite Rothstein's repeated and heated denials, the press charged him with 'fixing the World Series...' " Somewhat the same account appears in Albert Fried's "The Rise and Fall of the Jewish Gangster in America."
(Thanks for your vote of confidence! )
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: 1919 World Series - 04/21/02 05:41 PM

So how was the scam busted in the end and when? Did it just look totally obvious or was evidence found out about it?
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: 1919 World Series - 04/21/02 07:08 PM

As it happened, Chicago wasn't the only team throwing games. An investigation into the Chicago Cubs led to the gamblers who fixed the 1919 Series, in turn leading to a grand jury investigation. Thanks to the confessions of Shoeless Joe Jackson and others, the eight White Sox players were indicted and brought to trial. But, lacking evidence and testimony, the jury acquitted the defendants. Then the baseball owners, shame-faced over covering up widespread gambling and fearful that the game would be killed by the scandal, appointed Judge Kenisaw Mountain Landis as Baseball Commissioner. He banned the eight from pro baseball for life and ruled that any gambling activities would be punished by lifelong banning.
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: 1919 World Series - 04/23/02 06:43 AM

Originally posted by Turnbull:
Great question, Iceman!
Rothstein didn't fix the 1919 World Series. The perception came about because he was widely regarded as America's premier gambling operator, therefore only he could have had the wherewithal to have "fixed" something as big as a World Series. The perception was fanned by Henry Ford, America's leading anti-Semite of the era, who used it to launch another tirade against Jews. The falsehood also was perpetuated by F. Scott Fitzgerald, who introduced a Rothstein-like character called Meyer Wolfsheim, "the man who fixed the 1919 World Series," in his famous novel, "The Great Gatsby."
Here is an account from Jenna Weissman Joselit's book on Jewish crime in NY, "Our Gang":
"Rothstein's expertise and fame as a gambler were so great that the mere mention of his name was enough to convince eight disgruntled members of the Chicago White Sox tp throw the 1919 World Series in return for a bonus of $100,000. Rothstein had been approached initially by agents of the ballplayers and asked to participate in the swindle, yet he refused; why we do not know. Undeterred, the professional gamblers masterminding the 'Black Sox' scandal pretended they were working on Rothstein's behalf and therefore succeeded in convincing the ballplayers to proceed with the scheme. Despite Rothstein's repeated and heated denials, the press charged him with 'fixing the World Series...' " Somewhat the same account appears in Albert Fried's "The Rise and Fall of the Jewish Gangster in America."
(Thanks for your vote of confidence! )
Thank's alot Turnbull.

I didn't think Rothstein fixed the 1919 world series. I just thought I would find out for sure.
Posted By: Santino Jr

Re: 1919 World Series - 05/05/02 11:51 PM

I remmy reading the Mobster library stories and did read Rothstein' story and few other articles out of different site....

According to word on street, Rothstein knew when and how to bet and his legend grew. Durin the 1919 Series, Rothstein did bet but many people used his name as advantage to make money. things went sour and people still thought Rothstein was responsible for it when he gambled.

there was a black man, i think, he was responsible for killin Rothstein over gamblin dispute. Rothstein' legend grew after he was dead but the truth is with him. i believe Rothstein did bet but never made those transactions with many people.
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