

Posted By: Don Marco

Gotti - 01/30/02 10:45 PM

What up with John Gotti? Everything I have heard says he is near death, but he just keeps on going. I think he is still in the hospital prison. Last summer the newspapers all said he had only days to live. He must be one tough guy.
Posted By: Benny Blanco

Re: Gotti - 02/01/02 04:46 AM

If you were going where he's going when you die, you'd be fighting pretty hard too.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Gotti - 02/01/02 05:29 AM

Just tonight, the TV news here (NYC metro area) said Gotti had been transferred back to the Federal hospital for sick inmates in Missouri for treatment of his cancer-related ailments. They said he was in "stable" condition.
Posted By: eddietheplumber

Re: Gotti - 02/01/02 03:43 PM

because of his medication GOTTI is having trouble
keeping his blood pressure at a normal rate,i've
heard hes sucking morphine by the soup spoon.
Posted By: The don

Re: Gotti - 02/01/02 03:53 PM

What is he dying of, is it throat cancer? I was also wondering if anyone had seen the film 'Getting Gotti', if so, is it any good?
Posted By: eddietheplumber

Re: Gotti - 02/01/02 04:42 PM

every story i have seen is that he has in-operable
throat and brain cancer,i used to post his status
on this subject but it caused way to many fights
with other members who dis-like him,yet they say
he has suffered enough.
the only movie i know of is gotti-rise and
fall,a movie that actually makes gotti the good guy.
Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: Gotti - 02/01/02 04:48 PM

Originally posted by eddietheplumber:
the only movie i know of is gotti-rise and
fall,a movie that actually makes gotti the good guy.[/QB]

Is that the movie with Armand Assante playin gotti. If so thats the only one i seen it was really good.
Posted By: eddietheplumber

Re: Gotti - 02/01/02 05:00 PM

yeah thats the one,it is good but alot of it is not exactly true. GOTTI was not that smart and his
crews were always fighting and killing,stealing.
Posted By: eddietheplumber

Re: Gotti - 02/01/02 07:23 PM

After Cancer Bleeding

Daily News Staff Writer

Cancer-stricken crime boss John (Dapper Don) Gotti was taken from prison to a Missouri hospital yesterday after suffering another health setback, a family friend said.

Gotti, 61, who is terminally ill with cancer of the head and throat, was in stable condition at the hospital, said Lewis Kasman, a Long Island businessman who is a longtime friend of the imprisoned-for-life mobster.

Kasman said "there's been some bleeding" of the lesions related to Gotti's cancer. He noted that the bleeding has been an issue for months.

John Gotti
"He was taken to the hospital," Kasman said. "His blood count was a little bit low. There was some compassionate doctor on duty who thought maybe he needs a hospital."

In late 1998, Gotti was diagnosed with cancer and has suffered numerous setbacks.

In the past year, he has been taken several times to medical centers near the federal prison hospital in Springfield, Mo., where he is held in isolation.

Gotti's family long has argued that he should be treated in a civilian hospital — not in a prison medical ward.

Kasman said he was happy that Gotti was in a civilian hospital, charging that conditions at the prison hospital have contributed to the gangster's failing health.

"Given his condition and having the type of illness he has, he should be in a facility that treats patients suffering from this type of illness," Kasman said. "He should not be in a prison hospital, and he should not be locked in solitary confinement.

"I'm a realist," he added. "I know he's not going to a hotel. But he certainly deserves the best treatment available."

Kasman downplayed the significance of Gotti's latest trip to the hospital, noting that prison officials told him Gotti was transported "in a nonemergency manner."

He said he would wait until he heard from Gotti's doctors before deciding whether to travel to Missouri.

Prison officials declined comment last night, saying only that Gotti was getting proper medical care.

He was convicted in April 1992 of racketeering and sentenced to life in prison for his role as boss of the Gambino crime family.

A federal jury, which heard the testimony of mob turncoat Salvatore (Sammy Bull) Gravano, found that Gotti orchestrated the assassination of family boss Paul Castellano and ordered several other murders.

Original Publication Date: 2/1/02
Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: Gotti - 02/01/02 09:17 PM

Poor guy, they should treat him with some respect.
The guy is dying for christ sake.
Posted By: Tyler Durden

Re: Gotti - 02/01/02 10:43 PM

Originally posted by DonPalentino:
Poor guy, they should treat him with some respect.
The guy is dying for christ sake.

Don't get me wrong here..I love the mafia more than anything, but this guy was an animal...He deserves everything he's getting...I love mafia movies, books, and anything that has to do with mafia...But this guy was an animal...

[ February 01, 2002: Message edited by: Tony Montana ]
Posted By: Anthony Spilotro

Re: Gotti - 02/27/02 03:05 AM

He was a good Don. Why does he have to be talked about like this when he's near death? Let the man die in peace!
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Gotti - 02/27/02 12:20 PM

He's got plenty of supporters a bit of bad mouthing should just keep his head on the ground.

Also, he was not a good Don. You're very misinformed.
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: Gotti - 02/27/02 02:15 PM

He was a very bad don, in fact he is the poster child for inneffective leadership. He pretty much destroyed the Gambino family, starting with his jealousy inspired hit on Castellano.
Posted By: CamillusDon

Re: Gotti - 02/27/02 04:30 PM

Rusty, I am glad to see that you are no where near New York.....other wise Big Willey Four Fingers or Little Tony FatBOY.......would come a knocking at your KNEES!!!
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Gotti - 02/27/02 06:29 PM

I always felt Castellano was going to get whacked sooner or later anyway. Not only was he too out of touch with the street (although I have to say he was a very good business man), but he became an embarressment to the people. All mafioso played with other women but he made it quite public he was messing around with his maid or something like that. Then getting a penis enlargement???

He was gonna die sooner or later. Gotti was quite good in finalising a plan for it but as soon as he became boss things went downhill.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Gotti - 02/27/02 08:00 PM

Right, Turi. The Gambino Family started its decline when Castellano took over. But Gotti ran it into the ground. The Kurins/O'Brien book, "Boss of Bosses," while not the best Mob book around, does have some very revealing transcripts gathered from the bug the FBI planted in Castellano's house.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Gotti - 02/28/02 11:50 AM

Ah right, fair do's. I stand corrected.
Posted By: DonAlx

Re: Gotti - 03/05/02 01:06 AM

has anyone seen the movie gotti? its pretty good
Posted By: La Dolce Vita

Re: Gotti - 03/05/02 03:53 AM

This morning I was watching Sally (Jessy Rafael...yeah yeah I know I need to get a life. I go back to work in two weeks, thank goodness...)

His daughter Victoria Gotti was on the show talking about her dysfunctional family, her bad heart and deteriorating health, the dissolution of her long marriage and how hard it is to be a single mom. She tried to make all this seem halfway normal while looking very Hollywood. She wrapped up the segment by talking about her business venture Pink Ice which I think is perfume and jewelery. Didnt mention anything interesting about Pops at all...
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Gotti - 03/05/02 05:55 AM

I thought the movie "Gotti" wasn't bad, Alx. I thought Armand Assante played him with far too much intelligence, focus and drive to be the real thing, but his performance was dramatic anyway (even if it was of someone else). The rest of the cast was great, especially Anthony Quinn as Neil Dellacroce, Vincent Pastore as Quack-Quack Ruggiero, Frank Vincent ad DiB, and Richard Sarafian as Paul Castellano. Plenty of inaccuracies, but as drama, not bad at all.
Posted By: eddietheplumber

Re: Gotti - 04/09/02 03:15 PM



John gotti has been confined to bed for what
should be the rest of his natural life.
Gotti was taken to a civilian hospital(location
unknown)where doctors performed a emergency
tracheotomy on the 61 year old reputed boss of
new-yorks GAMBINO crime family,Gotti had severe breathing problems caused by cancer lesions swelling in his wind pipe,a plastic tube was inserted to open the air-way,Gotti now unable to
speak has also been told he cannot be moved again,
Gottis' attorneys say he just wont give up,he's
amazing he keeps fighting this thing.
Posted By: DonPalentino

Re: Gotti - 04/09/02 08:44 PM

I cant belive the man is still alive. Hes had cancer for some time now.
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Gotti - 04/10/02 03:47 AM

Originally posted by Don Alessandro:
He was a good Don. Why does he have to be talked about like this when he's near death? Let the man die in peace!
I agree let the poor man die in peace. Only he wasn't a good don, I'd call him a publicity hound and that's not good in that line of work.

But I've always admired him, as bad as that may sound.
Posted By: eddietheplumber

Re: Gotti - 04/11/02 06:28 PM

E-MAILED 4/2002
Gotti's New Pals: The ACLU.
By AL GUART, New York Post

April, 2002 -- Civil-liberties watchdogs say federal prison officials mocked the Constitution by taking the rare step of barring John Gotti's lawyers from meeting with him.

Gotti, 61, is in the final stages of head and neck cancer at A unknown Medical Center in Springfield, Mo., and for the past three weeks has been prevented from meeting with lawyers, who have quietly fought over his medical care and other prison-related matters.

That's because Bureau of Prisons officials deemed Gotti too sick to be moved to the attorney-client visiting room and nixed bedside visits with his lawyers after the Dapper Don underwent a tracheotomy that left him unable to speak.

"The prison has an obligation to make alternative accommodations for a prisoner who is physically unable to get to the attorney visiting area," said New York Civil Liberties Union chief Donna Lieberman.

"It makes a mockery of the right to counsel to require a bedridden inmate to walk to the attorney visiting ! room."

"It's unprecedented and unconstitutional," said longtime Gotti lawyer Bruce Cutler. "If Mr. Gotti is being treated differently than anyone else, I want to know why."

Gotti, serving a life term for murder and racketeering, has been held in solitary confinement for nearly 10 years.
Posted By: eddietheplumber

Re: Gotti - 04/12/02 08:43 PM

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