
Anyone heard of this?

Posted By: Black Hand

Anyone heard of this? - 12/11/01 10:38 PM

I read recently that the word Mafia is supposed to stand for Morte Alla Francia Italia Anela - Death to France is Italy's Cry. Anyone know if this is true?
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Anyone heard of this? - 12/11/01 10:55 PM

I've never heard that before. My understanding of the word Mafia comes from an Arabic origin, something like Mahfia (not sure on the spelling) meaning refuge.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Anyone heard of this? - 12/12/01 01:10 AM

I've heard both versions. Another, which seems to be widely accepted, is that "Mafia" stems from an incident in which French occupiers of Sicily abducted and raped a girl on her wedding day. The girl's mother wailed, "ma fia!" ("my daughter!"), setting off a major insurrection. That's probably too facile to be true. Just passing it along.
Posted By: Sonny

Re: Anyone heard of this? - 12/12/01 03:39 AM

Interesting one Turnbull....I have always heard only Turi's version, and the spelling was Muafah (re: lebanese friend)

As for Blackhand's version, I'm not so sure mate....In most of my readings, I got the impression that Sicilians absolutely hated Italians in the time when the Mafia was first recognized in the region....So, "...unless I'm very wrong...." I think that they wouldn't have those enemies' name into their title.....
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Anyone heard of this? - 12/17/01 04:45 PM

Well I found something that backs up Black Hand. Mafia

To me i'm still not too sure about it. Although this article outlines the begining of the mafia it refuses to believe there is one today which is rediculous. Maybe the word Mafia is wrongly used but it is todays word for organised crime, even if it once meant something else.
Posted By: Biggtone23

Re: Anyone heard of this? - 12/17/01 05:55 PM

When I was little I was told it was Mothers And Fathers Italitan Association.
Posted By: Don Michel

Re: Anyone heard of this? - 12/20/01 06:36 PM

Originally posted by Black Hand:
I read recently that the word Mafia is supposed to stand for Morte Alla Francia Italia Anela - Death to France is Italy's Cry. Anyone know if this is true?

No way, the word Mafia comes from the Arabic word mu afah.
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