
How can you dislike this man? ;)

Posted By: Anonymous

How can you dislike this man? ;) - 08/27/01 08:22 PM

[ August 27, 2001: Message edited by: Joey Montana ]
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 08/27/01 11:18 PM

"People love me! My men think i'm jesus christ."

"People loved me. I could have been fuckin' president if I wasn't having so much fun doin' what I was doin'. You don't think i'm kiddin'? What's that Bill Clinton got? A forty three approval ratin' in the polls? Stop any two people on the fuckin' street one of 'em would like me. That puts me seven points ahead right there."

That is taken from the first paragraph of his book 'Gotti, Rise and Fall.'
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 08/27/01 11:23 PM

Ok to be fair the victims of his wrath can only hate him.

Also I remember hearing a song by the Fun Lovin' Criminals which came out in '96 (after which they became my favourite band' about the 'King of New York'. I was like who the hell is this guy. until only a few years ago I realised who he was.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 08/28/01 12:58 AM

Franky was a mook from the block we used to live on
The wanna be gangster;
The wanna be dapper Don, Don John on
the wall, I said: I'm your biggest fan
next to my little brother Paul.
He losing his grip, man, like Pesci, he'd flip
and you talk to his brother he says he
always planned this trip
he wasn't oky-dokie running around like
Don Quixote, trying to free a man he
didn't even know B.
He had the roots and he bought the suits
and the boys didn't like him to tell you the truth
he had "J.G." on his pinky ring and he
lied about doin' some time up in sing-sing
flipped one fine summer afternoon
he told his brother Paulie, something had to be done soon.
He took Paulie and a couple of boys and jacked the
Coup de Ville to Illinois.

La-di da-di, free John Gotti
La-di da-di, la-di
La-di da-di, free John Gotti
The King of New York, man, The King of New York (2x)

He got a clipper from a stripper, he met at a club
two sticks of dynamite and a .38 Snub
he went see the Don, without an invitation
stood outside the gate with his three man demonstartion
they were waving picket signs, the C.O. saw a nine;
and only Paulie got away with the skin on his behind.
Back in the borough the cops are acting
thorough; they raided Franky's room
that's when they saw his bureau; upon it was a note,
with a rhyme that was dope, about
how he was breaking John out and how he couldn't cope.
It said, "I don't fly coach, never save the roach,
The King of New York". (2x)
"I never fly coach, never save the roach, The King of New York".

La-di da-di, free John Gotti
La-di da-di, la-di
La-di da-di, free John Gotti
The King of New York, man, The King of New York (4x)

The King of New York (12x)

[ August 27, 2001: Message edited by: Joey Montana ]
Posted By: sonny's girl

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 08/28/01 02:46 AM

Hey Joey you finally have a pic up!
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 08/28/01 02:48 AM

I love that song.

Its pretty surprising for a NYC band that not many Americans know of the FLC. What are they like in Canada?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 08/28/01 02:50 AM

There's graffiti tags on the walls for FLC pretty much on the east side of town and near the railroad tracks. They're popular here, among elitists, unfortunately many people have been sucked into the whole R&B Sorry miss jackson type bullshit here. That and britney and N'sync. Fucking whores, damn right I preferred bit pop to this bullshit. Blimey take me back to manchester so I can mosh to Tubthumping by what's their face, good band a couple years back

[ August 27, 2001: Message edited by: Joey Montana ]
Posted By: sonny's girl

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 08/28/01 02:58 AM

Ay Joey what's the matter?
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 08/28/01 02:59 AM

"pissing the night away.....pissing the night away.......

I get knocked down, but I get up again, Are you ever gonna keep me down................................"
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 08/28/01 05:10 AM

Oh danny boy, danny boy! *mosh* *headbang*

[ August 28, 2001: Message edited by: Joey Montana ]
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 08/28/01 05:52 AM

well joey montana at one time i did (my youth) i can remember back during his first trial when he was aquitted i said to my mom what kind of country is this that allows a crime lord to go free? but then i saw the godfather for the first time and i changed my views on the mafia i now respect john gotti what he said makes alot of sense he will always be one of my idols.
Posted By: SC

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 08/28/01 08:08 AM

How can you dislike this man?

I suppose you'd get a few (different) answers from Vincent Gigante or from Paul Castellano's family
Posted By: Don Michel

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 08/28/01 09:21 AM

Originally posted by Joey Montana:
Oh danny boy, danny boy! *mosh*
[ August 28, 2001: Message edited by: Joey Montana ]

Mosh ?????? Ain't that an Athrax (one of the best bands ever) thing????
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 08/28/01 01:46 PM

Yeah it is, but I let it slide on a lesser quality band this time
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 08/28/01 01:51 PM

Btw, SC I totally agree. His dead enemies, Vincent and the Genovese family in general aswell as Castellano and his own pal Frank Locascio have something to say about Mr. Gotti
Posted By: MobbingForMoney

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 08/28/01 07:10 PM

A great man is him.
Posted By: Padrino

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 08/28/01 07:29 PM

Hate Gotti? Even after making the feds redouble and refocus their efforts on bringing down the mob after he brazenly struts that he can't be convicted?

After he directly or indirectly kills his neighbor over an accident that killed his son?

After the killings? Etc.

Nah, how could you hate a guy like that?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 08/28/01 07:58 PM

I suppose you prefer LA's very own Richard Ramirez eh Padrino
Posted By: Padrino

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 08/29/01 04:33 PM

No, I don't. "How a man makes his living is of no concern to me. Gotti's business interests does not conflict with mine"

I'm intrigued by the whole mafia thing which is why I'm on this board. In certain instances I admire certain qualities but I apologize if I can't 'love' a guy with his background. Plus, even within the confines of the mafia he was not a good boss. He took the biggest family and through his own arrogance destroyed a 'goood' thing. I make no value judments on those that do. Sorta like handing a good coach a championship team and then they become a losing team.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 08/29/01 07:18 PM

He could have done a better job, that's for sure. I believe that he was too arrogant and egotistical to run a business that was based on secrecy and low key character traits. He was what Carlo Gambino loathed the most - A flashy, loud gangster who did everything his way, even when his troops told him he was going over the top.

Everything started going downhill for the Gambinos' the moment this man-

-was killed by this man

Paul Castellano 1915-1985 R.I.P

[ August 29, 2001: Message edited by: Joey Montana ]

[ August 29, 2001: Message edited by: Joey Montana ]
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 08/30/01 12:04 AM

Castellano was going to go sooner or later anyway. He was too business like, he needed to prove himself more on the streets to get some respect. Which wasn't going to happen. I think it started going downhill before he was murdered. What was it? Mid 80's, 84/85, alot of families were going downhill aswell. Not just the Gambino's.

On a seperate note, I heard the Gambino's at the top of there prime were earning $500 million and now more lately its been $50 million. Wow.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 08/30/01 12:26 AM

Paul Castellano's low key style fared well with the family until the early 80s when he decided to cut off all ties with his troops with the exception of his chauffeur, Thomas Bilotti, and a few chosen capis who would transmit all the messages. He never once had a sitdown in a social club or what have you, he preferred the comfort of his home. I dont blame him, it was a beauty. Secondly, he usually resorted to violence when there was no other option, he liked to iron out differences when he could. This is how Roy DeMeo was killed. Thirdly, under Castellano, the family made an excess of over $500m (nearly 600 in 1984). Under John Gotti it made a decent profit, albeit much less, until he was put in prison in 1992. It then dropped to about $100m, and when Junior was incarcerated in 1998 onwards, it dropped to $40-50m.

[ August 29, 2001: Message edited by: Joey Montana ]
Posted By: Nickey

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 09/05/01 01:12 AM

I think John Gotti s HOT! Damn that man is FINE!
Posted By: DonThomas

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 09/05/01 02:35 AM

Would you say that if he was your cab driver, instead of a formerly powerful boss of a mafia family?
Posted By: Nickey

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 09/05/01 04:06 AM

Yes, I think I would.

Gotti is a VERY handsome man
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 09/05/01 04:16 AM

Salvatore "Sammy the Bull" Gravano and John "Johnny Boy" Gotti during the good old days.

[ September 05, 2001: Message edited by: Joey Montana ]

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 04/13/02 07:13 PM

Posted By: Snake

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 04/13/02 07:29 PM

Sorry, guys. But Gotti's too cocky, and obviously not as bright as some of you think. Otherwise, he wouldn't be where he's at today. Only the really smart ones get away or live to a ripe old age and die of natural causes (okay, maybe not even all of those guys are that bright either!). Sammy wasn't smart, either; just a weasel.
Posted By: eddietheplumber

Re: How can you dislike this man? ;) - 04/13/02 07:42 PM

Average life for a boss in control of a faction
is 7 to 10 years he either dies or rents a room at
the fed for life,BONANNO and GAMBINO were the last
2 that broke tradition.
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