

Posted By: Paul Pisano

Ronin - 05/23/06 08:42 PM

This one might not be mob related but it has Robert DeNiro in it as the mysterious Sam who was with the C.I.A. I thought it was great especially how in one scene Sam ambushed Sean Bean’s character with a cup of coffee. Jean Reno was also another plus as these two seem to bond throughout the flick as Sam saves his life in the beginning. The car chases were also spectacular. Anybody purchase the special edition?
Posted By: Don Jasani

Re: Ronin - 05/23/06 11:09 PM

Don't have the S.E. but I thought it was extremely well done. The car chase scenes are breath taking in their speed and this one is worth it for De Niro's acting alone. I think The Score would come out on top in terms of which is better but Ronin is pretty rockstar in its own right.
Posted By: skaggerratt

Re: Ronin - 05/24/06 11:39 PM

I purchased the film on a whim after learning that Ronin refers to a samuri whose master was killed in battle. I also purchased it because it was $8 dollars and starred Robert De Niro.

I was very happy with the movie and its "gangster" like storyline of organized criminal activity.
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