

Posted By: Bada Bing Ben

Gotti - 02/28/06 05:09 PM

I have seen this a few times.

I am keen to know people's oppinions on it.

Assante is pretty good as Gotti i think.

I would say that overall its a very average mob film though.

your thoughts ladies and gents...
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Gotti - 03/02/06 07:08 PM

I thought "Gotti" was a good film overall. The casting was very strong (with one exception). I thought Anthony Quinn was a brillant choice for Neil Dellacroce, plus all the tried-and-true Mob-type actors--Vincent Pastore (excellent as Quack-Quack); Marc Lawrence, Eternal Don; Richard D. Sarafian, one of my favorite character actors as Castellano.

The exception, IMO, was Assante as Gotti. Not that he gave a bad performance: he was dynamic and interesting. It's just that he seemed too intelligent, too driven, too energetic and thoughtful, to be anything like the real-life Gotti. Assante's an actor who basically plays himself in most roles, and here he reminded me of the Cuban brother in "Mambo Kings," rather than Gotti. A far better and more realistic Gotti was played (splendidly) by Tom Sizemore in "Witness to the Mob," a truly mediocre film that's enlivened only by Sizemore's brief but memorable performance.
Posted By: irishmike

Re: Gotti - 03/02/06 09:43 PM

Got to say I think it is a good film. Tony Quinn was outsanding, and I thought Assante brought Gotti off well, he sure as hell had Gotti's walk down. Of course, they took a LOT of dramatic license with the movie, but its one I try to watch every year.
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