
A license to steal

Posted By: donpaulpino

A license to steal - 10/15/05 04:27 AM

Anyone know what is going on with this movie? I've seen this movie on imdb.com for quite sometime, but have been having trouble finding information on whats going on with it. The people on the imdb boards aren't very helpful. This seems like some sort of new mob movie. I was wondering if anyone has heard anything about it. From what I've seen so far production delays caused Buscemi and Val Kilmer to leave productions. Some of the actors listed so far are Michael Madsen, Frank Vincent, Frankie Valli (who is apparently playing Carlo Gambino in the movie), and Christian Slater. Any thoughts?
Posted By: Willy

Re: A license to steal - 12/13/05 04:11 PM

It looks like it's doubtful this movie is ever going to be made.

Steve Buscemi and Val Kilmer quit because it took to long to start filming. It isn't sure what is going to happen now.
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