
Has Anyone Seen Shiner with Michael Caine?

Posted By: Nick. V

Has Anyone Seen Shiner with Michael Caine? - 07/15/05 06:30 AM

I think we can all agree that Michael Caine's career while not in a slump is not something to envy. Not since Cider House Rules or Quite American has he had decent material to work with. He seems to be picking films by the bunch just for the pay check. And frankly no one can marvel or respect his roles in films like Miss Congeniality etc

But I just came across this peculiar film he did in 2000 called Shiner. It's an actual Crime Film ala Get Carter. A revenge story it seems which is always a good sign. Does anyone know anything about this film? Somehow it slipped by me and I consider myself a Fan of his. It seems like he gave a good performance in what seems a sub par film which has production values slightly higher than Quicksand with Michael Keaton.
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