
When I was buying Raging Bull today...

Posted By: skaggerratt

When I was buying Raging Bull today... - 06/07/05 09:38 PM

When I was buying Raging Bull today at Circuit City (I was there to purchase the Sopranos 5th season) I noticed at the counter that it was only $9.99. I knew it wasnt the two disc special edition, but it was the 2005 release in widescreen, so i thought about it and bought it.

When I opened it up at home, I saw that the insert wasnt there, it was just the disc, and that it. I wonder, how can a store (especially a national chain) get away with selling a DVD without all of the material? Im sure that if i paid the original price, the insert would be there.

Obviously, it is legal, since it is being done, but how any why is this happening?
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: When I was buying Raging Bull today... - 06/07/05 09:48 PM

Simply put, many new DVDs are not making inserts.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: When I was buying Raging Bull today... - 06/07/05 09:57 PM

Originally posted by skaggerratt:
Im sure that if i paid the original price, the insert would be there.
Correct. I bought the 2-disc special edition and I got a booklet in mine
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: When I was buying Raging Bull today... - 06/10/05 08:23 PM

Some do and some don't. I know each of my 2 Disc Special Editions of GoodFellas, The Shawshank Redemption, Forrest Gump, and Scarface (1983) didn't come with inserts. It doesn't really matter, though. It's not like the insert is that important. :rolleyes:
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: When I was buying Raging Bull today... - 06/10/05 08:25 PM

Scarface came with an insert for me. Problem was, it was a shitty Def Jam ad for Scarface.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: When I was buying Raging Bull today... - 06/10/05 08:33 PM

Did you get yours in the box set, DV? I got mine in that one. Maybe that's why. But if it was a shitty Def Jam ad, I don't really care for it.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: When I was buying Raging Bull today... - 06/10/05 09:09 PM

I got mine in the boxset.
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: When I was buying Raging Bull today... - 06/12/05 05:11 AM

Well, there are some DVDs I just wouldn't care for an insert (IE ones who just list the chapters) and some I would like to have them with (IE any special eddition with a booklet, like Pul Fiction or Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. They both had really nice inserts).
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: When I was buying Raging Bull today... - 06/17/05 08:37 PM

Yeah, The Silence of The Lambs had a little booklet.
Posted By: scarfacefan

Re: When I was buying Raging Bull today... - 06/19/05 04:07 AM

You guys are lucky! No DVDs in my country have inserts in them. I only have one DVD with an insert in it and that was bought in America
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