
Mafia Cop

Posted By: TheSicilian123

Mafia Cop - 05/19/05 01:51 AM

Today I went to my local Waldenbooks and was looking for The Godfather Papers, Inside Las Vages and The Hoods but they didn't have any. Then I noticed Wiseguy and bought it then went back to look and say a book titled Mafia Cop has anyone read this book. I bought it I thought it would be a fun read. Comments please
Posted By: Moscarelli

Re: Mafia Cop - 06/11/05 11:45 PM

Hey there, I'm surprised no one has mentioned this already, but theres something interesting going on involving this book.

Anthony "Gaspipe" Casso, former Underboss, now FBI turncoat, was reading this book, under the protection of the government and stumbled upon something that surprised him quite a bit.

Years earlier, Casso was involved in a number of hits
involving a police officer, whome actual name he didn't know.

Now, this story basically revolves around Louis Eppolito and how he was the only legitimate cop in a family of mobsters. However, Casso begs to differ, for when he looked at the author's picture in the book, he realized that that was the very man who had participated in several Mafia hits years earlier.

More info on this can be found at Gangland.com .
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