
gangland to pomised land

Posted By: jordyallen101

gangland to pomised land - 12/29/04 07:19 PM

hi i got a really gd book for xmas "from gangland to pomised land" its brilliant. It tells the life story of a man called john pridmore whos a reformed east end gangster who visited our church. its amazin. Youve got to read it. It shows how crime and money dont birng hapiness. Its really good and i highly recomend it.
Title: frome gangland to pomised land
Author: John Pridmore and Geg Watts
Posted By: The Irish Mafia 28

Re: gangland to pomised land - 12/29/04 07:24 PM

Maybe you should have gotten a dictionary for Christmas, it would have helped with your spelling.

I'll check that book out. Sounds good.

Posted By: jordyallen101

Re: gangland to pomised land - 12/29/04 07:30 PM

the author wrote this on his site about the book:

I was born in the east end of London. At the age of 10, my parents got divorced and I made an unconcious decision not to love any more.

At the age of 13 I had started stealing. By 15 I was put in a detention centre (a youth prison). I left home having been released. My only qualification was stealing, so that's what I did.

At 19 I was in prison again and because the way I dealt with my pain was with anger, I was always fighting. They put me on 23 hour solitary confinement and I came out of there even more angry and bitter.

"I liked fighting so I thought I might as well get paid for it"

I started bouncing round the east end and west end of London. I liked fighting so I thought I might as well get paid for it! I met some guys who seemed to have everything and I started to work for them. Before long I found myself working with them instead of for them. These were the guys who ran most of the organised crime in London. To my shame I was involved in massive drug deals, protection rackets and vicious crime of all sorts.

I had what I thought was everything. Money, power, girls, drugs the lot. But yet there was something missing... This struck me more than ever, when I thought I had killed someone. I knew I had to change my life...
Posted By: The Irish Mafia 28

Re: gangland to pomised land - 12/29/04 07:36 PM

Sounds awesome.

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